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*Trigger Warning*
It had been almost three days. Three long days of planning the perfect way to kill Pekka Rollins.

Kaz's mind had explored every possible way of doing it and yet, he still couldn't decide. Burning was supposedly the worst way to go. Feeling the flesh melt off of one's bone didn't sound like it would be pleasant. But drowning was more personal to Kaz. For he had felt the water press against his lungs until breath had been robbed from him.

That was it. He would drown him. But first, he would have his fun. Kaz pulls his sore body out of the bed. He pulls gloves over his slim hands and grabs his cane. He hurt with every single step but he couldn't wait any longer. His mind itched with anticipation as he limps down the grand staircase.

He looks out the window. The sun was just starting to rise. He turns his back on the light and walks towards the door. He exits the manor and heads or a root cellar located on the other side of the yard. His grip on the cane tightens with every step.

He reaches the cellar and starts to pick the lock on the front of it. His fingers effortlessly tilted the pins into place and then he heard the click. He pulls the lock off of the thick wooden door and lets it swing open. He sees Rollins. Kaz's blood boils with rage as he steps in and closes the door behind him.

"I remember now." He hears Rollins croak. "I remember how stupid you and your brother were. How easy it was to get you to hand me everything that I wanted."

Kaz's cane cracks across Rollins jaw. Rollins grunts and spits blood onto the floor. "So what happened to your brother? Hmm, Kaz?" Rollins taunts.

Kaz's eyes flood with hatred as he grabs Rollins by the neck and starts to squeeze. He watches Rollins' eyes. Once his eyes start to lose focus, Kaz lets go. Rollins gasps for air and glares at Kaz.

"You really want to know what happened after you?" Kaz asks. His voice is low and dangerous.

Pekka doesn't answer, so Kaz keeps going.

"First we were kicked out of our board house. Forced on to the streets with no money or food." Kaz begins and picks up and knife. He approaches Pekka. His limp making his gate uneven.

"Then, the plague came. Do you know what it's like to have it? Of course, you don't. Let me explain. First, you have a sickly feeling in your stomach. Like you ate something rotten. Then you got the stuff. Very stiff. You would lose feeling in your limps. Your fingers would go. Then the hand. Then the arm." Kaz hums and lines the blade up to Rollins's fingers. Rollins's eyes widen as he tries to get away but can't. The blade comes down and a scream escapes Rollins. Kaz smirks.

"Then you would be exhausted. You would try to sleep, but the chills would keep you awake. You would stay up for days if you survived that long." Kaz rasps. "My brother didn't. But I did. I had been up for almost a week when they found me. I was too tired and weak to say anything when they picked me up and put me in the cart. I couldn't even cry out for help when they piled bodies on top of me."

Kaz moves to the other hand and takes the fingers off of that one as well. Rollins whimpers but tries not to give Kaz the satisfaction of anything more. "It was hard to breathe under all of that weight," Kaz says softly and dunks a cloth into a bucket of water. Then he holds it over Rollins mouth and nose, cutting off his air. Kaz watches the man squirm and fights for breath. Whoever said that revenge didn't make anyone feel better was a fool.

Kaz eventually removes the rag and Rollins coughs up some water. "Hmm. Now let me think... What happened next?" Kaz whisper. "Oh right. The reapers barge. I was put on it with my brother's corpse. Do you know where that ship goes? To an incinerator. You see I was finally starting to build my strength back up so I was able to save myself but pulling myself and my brother off of the edge of the barge and we slipped into the cold water."

"I still couldn't swim on my own so I had to hold on to my brother's body as I kick towards the shore. There were times that I almost drowned. I would feel the water go down my throat, only to cough it back up. By the time I reached the shore, my hands were on fire." Kaz says quietly.

"As soon as I could, I started to hunt you down. All I wanted was for you to feel my pain." Kaz ends.

"That explains the gloves," Rollins states and feels the blood seep out of his hand. There was a stinging sensation where his fingers should have been.

"Yes," Kaz says and a flicker of sadness shows in his eyes. It almost makes him seem human. Almost.

"You should have died with your brother," Rollins says and glares up at Kaz.

"Finally something that we agree on," Kaz replies and grabs the bucket of water. His muscles scream at the sudden activity but he places it in front of Rollins. "Now you'll feel when I felt."

"Go to hell, Brekker," Rollins growls.

"I've been there. I wasn't impressed." Kaz replies. Then he pushes Rollins head into the water and holds it there. He holds it until the struggling stops. Until Rollins goes totally limp. Then Kaz lets go and pulls the bucket away.

The man that had caused Kaz so much pain was finally gone. Kaz felt as though someone had lifted a weight from his shoulders. It felt good to be free of this burden. He turns his back on the body and walks out.

'Brick by brick,' Kaz thinks.

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