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Kaz awakens with a jolt. He knows what he has to do. Then plan weaves its way together in his head as he thinks over his next steps. It's risky but it just might work. If he makes one wrong move, then he will undoubtedly end up in a casket. At this point, he really doesn't have any other choices. It's this or running and his pride won't let him flee the city that he worked so hard to obtain.

*Pekka Rollins POV*

His head feels like one is shoving an ice pick through his temple. "What are you trying to say, Van Eck?" Pekka growls.

"I'm saying that we should go to him now. He has isolated himself." Jan clarifies.

"How do you know this?" Pekka asks as he drums his fingers on a desk.

"A few in my old house are still loyal to me. A reliable source has informed me that Brekker left late last night and hasn't returned yet. Apparently, he was wounded and when the sharpshooter and... and my disgrace of a son were fixing him up, he had a nervous breakdown. Then he left." Jan explains.

"So he is alone and wounded?" Pekka hums, pleased with this information. "He should be an easy target, once he makes himself known."

"Precisely," Jan replies.

"Good work Van Eck." Pekka praises. He has learned that a few well-placed compliments can build loyalty throughout the years. It can make people come crawling back for more because of their desperation to be appreciated.

The sides of Jan's mouth curl upward, though a cunning look flashes through his eyes.

*End of Pekka's POV*

Kaz's foot slips. He has never been as talented as Inej when it comes to climbing but he tries to stay balanced. That all he can do. Try to balance himself, whether physically or emotionally.

*Van Eck's POV*

'He thinks that he has me under his thumb. He thinks that he controls my every move. He doesn't know that I have him exactly where I want him." Van Eck thinks as he walks out of the small tavern that they have been staying in.

He walks down the damp streets and pulls his hood over his greying hair so that bit covers his eyes. He can't be tailed right now. If he is, then he is a dead man. Rollins isn't trusting and for good reason. It makes sense not to trust anyone in Ketterdam. The place is built off of lies and a hunger for power. It's funny how those two things go hand in hand. You need to lie to gain power and when you have that power you must do worse than lying to maintain it.

Van Eck had to fight to get his power. He was born into wealth, but he had to fight to form his empire. He fought for every deal. He hired thugs and thieves to remove anyone who would stand in his way.

That's how he knows this man. Van Eck had hired him when he was twenty years old. He didn't know that their relationship would last this long.


A young Jan Van Eck is holding his head low at a grave. His father had passed the night before. It had been unforeseen, tragic. Van Eck tried to keep tears in his eyes and his head down. He can't believe that he had done it. His heart had been pounding when he poured the poison into his father's glass. His father was an obstacle. Someone who threatened his son's chances at power. He had told Van Eck that he wasn't ready for the empire and to wait a few years. Van Eck was done waited. So he disposed of the man.

It was only three hours after the funeral before Jan had gotten to business. He sat in his father's chair, in his study, at his desk as he looked over statistics and reports. One name kept coming up. Atticus Vongoth. He was another merchant. He was taking all of the business from Van Eck. 'This won't do...' Van Eck had thought.

That night he had pulled on a long dark coat and journeyed into the worst part of town. The barrel. He had heard stories of this group. The Dregs. They were led by a man who would never discuss a client's business, no matter what the incentive was. Per Haskell was a legend at the time.

Van Eck steps into the building. It was a run-down gambling den. It smelled of booze and bodily fluids. The scents were overpowering and caused Van Eck to wrinkle his nose in disgust.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" A deep voice calls from a dark corner. A man steps out of the void. He has a long thin scar running down the side of his temple. He can be much older than 30.

"I'm looking for Per Haskell." Van Eck announces and brings himself to his full height.

"Now why would you be looking for me? A merch like you looking for a street rat like me. What do you want?" Haskell asks and gestures for Van Eck to sit across for him.

"I want to do business." Van Eck says in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Must be pretty unsavory if you're coming to me." Haskell hums and rolls a coin across his knuckles.

"You could say that. I want you to... dispose of Atticus Vongoth." Van Eck states.

"And what am I going to get in return?" Haskell asks, a brow quirking upwards. His interest has peaked.

"I'll pay handsomely, of course, but I will also employ you and your... dregs to do all of my dirty work. Think about it. You'll have a constant source of funds." Van Eck explains.

"You have got yourself a deal." Haskell grins and holds out his hand to his new ally.

"Pleasure doing business." Van Eck says and shakes the hand in front of him.

*end of flashback*

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