Chapter five: "A shirini khori"

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Wonder why she likes me bitch I'm drowning
- A Boogie wit Da Hoodie

"What about this one?" Lema asks holding up the opened page from the wedding catalog.

"Ugh pink?!" Negina exclaims flipping through her own catalog. "This?" Lema says holding up a white themed ball room.

"No," Negina replies flatly continuing to flip the pages.

"Ugh! You are hard to impress!"

"Calm down Lema." Negina's mom warns and Lema quieted down immediately muttering an "ok."

A lady about the age of thirty-five enters the room wearing a uniform with a name tag that says "Sharon" on it.  Negina's name is called and they all immediately stand up.

"My names Sharon and I will be your wedding planner." She introduces herself. Negina's mother and mother in law start talking with her about the wedding and nikah.

"The wedding will take place next fall." Negina's mother in law says. You may be wondering what her name is, her name is Samira Malik. But with all due respect Negina has no rights to call her by her first name.

"Why don't we make the wedding hall a little more unique." Sharon suggests.


"Of course you'll have to live with them." Negina's father explains to Negina. Naser and Mustafa start laughing loudly pointing at Negina and making explosive sounds.

"I am not living with the Malik family until the official wedding." Negina stated clearly.

"Negina it's a tradition, you'll move in with them after the engagement. Then you'll come back to live with us a few days before the wedding. Then during the period in between the nikah and wedding you'll live again with us. And after the wedding you'll officially be a Malik and live with them." Her father explains the very confusing tradition of the Hassan and Malik family.

"But there is only a few days in between the wedding and engagement." Negina rolls her eyes.

"Wouldn't it be more reasonable for me to move in after the wedding without having to move in and out so many times." Negina continues dully.

This time Naser and Mustafa step up in defeat to their parents, "young, naive, stupid, Negina." Naser says in a fake concerning tone putting his hands together.

"Living in an Afghan family for he past twenty-two years of your life you still haven't realized that afghans don't commit anything "reasonable." Mustafa quotes continuing the act that Naser started.

"Shut up! Before I tell all of them about the other day when you were with-" Negina starts but doesn't get to finish because of  Mustafa's hand covering her mouth.

"Oh boy look at the time, I better get to bed." Mustafa yawns unrealistically running up the spiral stairs and into his bedroom shutting the door tightly.

"Fine, I'll move in with them. But I am not going to have kids with him, just putting that out in the wild." Negina says beforehand pointing to her parents in a warningly way.

Negina quickly kisses her parents cheeks wishing them a goodnight and slapping the back of Nasers head before going to bed herself.

Turning to her side Negina feels the mattress beside her press down as her mother sits down. "It scares me, Negina."

"What does?" Negina ask turning her body on the bed to face her mom.

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