Chapter twenty-five: "Uhh, who's khalid?"

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She's crazy but she's mine
-Alex Sparrow

"Mommy, I wov you!" Screams a little boy, as he runs to hug his mother. Negina stares at the replica of herself hug the little cherub. "I love you too baby boy." Her replica says and touches her nose to the little boys while smiling and giggling.

"Mommy, wen is daddy coming home?" The little boy asks with his half-learned language.

Negina stares, confused, as her replicas bright smile drops. Why? "Baby, I don't know, he didn't tell me." Negina's replica ushers her little child.

"Again?! But Mommy, I wanna pway wit daddy! He promised me!" The little boy yells, very angry in fact.

"Calm down, honey." Negina's replica says hugging his tightly.

"Can yu pway wit me Mommy?" He asks with his lip pouting.

"Of course baby." Negina's replica says enthusiastically.

Negina is surrounded by darkness, now. No more little boy or Negina's replica. Pitch night darkness is what Negina sees. But more importantly, Negina didn't understand a thing that just happened.

Who was that little boy?

Why was he calling her "Mommy"?

Where was that child's father?

Who was that child's father?

And why was Negina seeing this?


Lema smiles at Negina's almost six month old belly. The last few months went by way too quickly for anyone to realize that after this child is born, Negina would have a funeral and no one would never see her again.

"Hey little man, how ya doin'?" Lema says with a smile surrounding her straight white teeth.

"I hear your doing quite well, your gonna come out soon huh?" Lema smiles and places her hand on Negina's stomach.

"Oh, how I miss you Negina." Lema sighs confessing. "How I'm going to miss you. I wish I could just spend another five minutes with you, not too much. Just five minutes to at least sing out song."

"I'll teach that song to your baby." Lema says in a bubbly tone to let Negina know that her child will be loved and will not be forgotten.

"And I'll tell him all about you. I'll tell him our stories and memories. I'll love him just like my real nephew. I promise." Lema says giving Negina's lifeless hand a kiss.

Lema's eyes blur with tears as she starts to sing their song. She wanted her to hear it once more before she's gone.

"You can be the peanut butter to my jelly." Lema sings with her voice cracking.

"You can be the butterflies I feel in my belly. You can be the captain and I can be your first mate. You can be the chills that I feel on our first date." She sings and the tears don't stop there.

"Don't know if I could ever be without you 'cause girl you complete me. And in time I know that we'll both see. That we're all we need." Lema sings and continues with her memorized lines.

"Cause you're the apple to my pie. You're the straw to my berry. You're the smoke to my high. And you're the one I wanna marry. Cause you're the one for me. And I'm the one for you. You take the both of us. And we're the perfect two. We're the perfect two. We're the perfect two. Baby me and you. We're the perfect two. You know that I'll never doubt ya. And you know that I think about ya. And you know I can't live without ya." Lema stops singing when she hears the monitors stop beeping.

"Negina?" Lema asks, afraid that she did something to the baby.

Lema is more than freaked out when she sees Negina's hand, shakily raise up and make its way up to her belly and carefully strokes it. Lema runs out of the room, yelling for the doctors.

In the matter of seconds the room is filled with nurses and doctors looking at the monitors and kicking a stressed and scared Lema out of the room.

Lema takes time to call Naser and tell him what's going on with his sister. And in ten minutes Naser shows up with Lisa and their mom.

"What happened?"

And Lema explains how she started singing and what happened afterwards. They are left in shock, just like Lema was. They sit in the hospital for a good two hours before the doctor comes out with a glorious smile.

"May I congratulate you, on behalf of a true miracle!" He says smiling while taking off his green mask.

"Doctor, what happened?"

"Negina is alive!" He says with his eyes twinkling with joy. Probably for the reason of Negina finally exciting his hospital room.

"What... the... fuck." Naser says slowly.

"How the hell? What? Impossible?" Lisa mutters.

"W-what do you mean alive?" Their Mom stutters.

"I mean that she is breathing, she is talking, and she remembers everything. Mostly." He explains, still as enthusiastic as ever.

"Mostly?" Lema asks.

"Yeah, she just doesn't remember a little bit of her past." The doctor informs them.

"Can we go see her?"

"On this happy occasion, I will let you all in and not one by one. But! If you promise to keep quiet, she need calm surroundings." The doctor makes them promise before letting them enter.

"Negina!" Naser yells and runs to wrap his arms around her and kissing her cheek, very tightly.

Calm surrounds...

"Naser." She says through her squished cheek. Her voice was really scratchy, and barely audible.

"Lema." Negina says prying Naser away from herself and hugging Lema.

"I missed you so fucking much!" Lema says as happy tears fall from her eyes.

"Lisa!" Negina squeals and gets at least another five minute hug from Lisa.

"Mama?" Negina smiles at her mom. Negina wanted to stand up and run to her mother who was standing by the door. But she couldn't, the doctor threatened  to keep her in the hospital for another week. "Can I get a hug, please?"

Her mother runs up to Negina, unable to contain herself any longer. She didn't care about what people would say. She didn't care about what her husband would think of her. She could care less about him, right now.

"Oh my god, we need to tell Khalid." Lisa says.

"Uhh, Who's Khalid?" Negina asks curiously.

Authors Note-

So I just wrote this chapter with @sasha_the_queen in half an hour so don't judge too hard. 😌

Question of the day: Naser and Lema? Cue or nah?

Answer of the day from the author: unknown

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