Chapter twelve: "He's an asshole."

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When I met you girl my heart went knock knock
-Justin Bieber
"Hello," Negina calls out into the phone. The voice that she receives is very screechy and only half of the words are audible.

"Negin. Wher- a- you?" Negina hears her cousin reply. It takes her a minute to understand him before answering.

"I don't know. I was with Khalid then the car crashed. I'm somewhere in a forest, I can smell something like fire." Negina explains, her voice shaking.

"Ok, stay calm. Are you alright?" He asks calmly.

"Yes, in fine. I'm just scared and don't know where to go or where I am." Negina calls into the phone. Her voice is so low that she couldn't even hear it herself.

"What is the last road sign you remember?" Sediq asks.

Negina thinks for a moment before remembering the street signs. "I think it was Cherry Street."

"Alright. I want you to stay there and don't go anywhere else, are you and Khalid ok?" Sediq asks.

"I think he has a concussion," Negina says looking around for help anywhere in sight. "He's bleeding."

"Just find something to stop the blood. I'm calling for help." Sediq says not forgetting, "don't worry I'll find you."

After he hangs up the phone Negina sniffs back her tears. She starts to looks around in a circle to as of where she if. Walking backwards she finds herself falling down into a somewhat deep opening in the grass. She cries out in pain and her hand strikes for her aching ankle.

"Help!" She yells out as loud as she can. "Please." She whispers tearfully.

Minutes pass. Hours pass. And Negina feels as if an eternity had passed. Ever so often she lets out another yell of pain in her ankle. Pain that has now created more pain in Negina's whole leg.

Negina places her hands on each side of hole in the ground and attempts to pull herself up off the ground. Her lips grow over each other as she tries to hold back the painful yell. The yell does stop but a moan comes out.

Negina calls for help a last time before falling to the ground. Negina knew from the beginning that one would care about her. But Negina is more worried about Khalid laying there helpless in the wet grass that may or may have not caught on fire.

Fear takes over her as she hears a ruckus from above. An animal, maybe. Negina's eyes wonder up to find a grey sky looking back at her. Negina places her hands together.

"Oh Allah, please help him. I beg you please forgive all his sins and help him. Please get him to safety." She prays silently.

Negina is startled when she hears a booming sound come from above the pit. The grey sky is filled with clouds and rain falls down, slowly and picks up its speed.

She pushes her good foot up against her chest and wraps her arms around to keep herself warm. The dirt on the ground of the pit soon becomes muddy due to the rain. Making Negina's jeans all stained brown.

It takes a few more hours before the darkness appears and Negina looses hope upon someone finding her. She imagines the snakes coming out of the pit and eating her up, bit by bit. Thinking about that gave Negina the shivers and giggles.

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