Chapter thirteen: "Damn she's beautiful."

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If you wanna fuck with them stupid hoes, well guess what I'm not saving you
-Toni Romiti

After that day Negina spend most of her time in her room and not communicating with many people. She kept her attention on her studies just like she did during high school. But today isn't a day where she can't do that. Today is the day of Shafiqa's sisters wedding.

Over the last few weeks the two families have been communicating and have become somewhat close family friends.

Negina's piles of different styles of Afghan clothes lay on her bed as Negina finishes up her homework, not caring about her mothers yells to hurry up.

"Okay, I'm done." Negina whines as her mother picks the book up and takes it with her to the other room.

Negina groans standing up and unwrapping the towel from her now dry hair. She brushes the tangles out of her dark hair before straightening it. She applies some kajal, which is like eyeliner. Also she brushes on some eyeshadow to match everything together. Applying a shade of light pink lipgloss to her lips, too.

"Hey," Negina turns her butt on the chair and turns to a very upset looking Lema.

Negina's smile frowns, "Wassup girl?" 

Lema falls on the bed sure enough to not rip her rainbow afghan clothes. "Ugh! My stupid bachei khala (aunts son) send me a khasgari. (proposal)"

Negina shakes her head, "Why the sad lips then?"

"I don't know. I just. I think... well maybe," Naser knocks on the opened door before Lema could finish.

"Salam Lema." He greets. Lema smiles sadly answering, "Hey dude."

Naser notices his loves upset face too. "What happened to her?" He asked Negina.

"She got a khasgari," Negina explains. Naser wasn't exactly thrilled about that thought either. "Oh." He frowns, "that's cool."

Lema grabs Negina's sleeping pillow from her bed and throws it at Naser, who catches it with his both hands. "Shut your face." She yells angrily. Her face points up at the windowed ceiling as she sighs annoyed. She lets out a few cuss words out loud before sitting up on the bed.

"Lema, explain to me." Negina asks, "exactly why don't you like the idea of marrying that guy?"

Lema stares at her best friend thinking of an answer. But then she realizes that her heart is aching with pain whenever she thinks about that guy slipping a ring onto her finger. She realizes that she doesn't want to spend her life with him. She looks away from Negina's gaze answering, "my heart belongs to someone else."  She realizes that she's starring at Naser.

"Well then, who is this lucky man?" Negina asks nervous about the answer and what will happen when Naser finds out about Lema's secret admirer.

"His name?" Lema asks uncertainly. Negina give her a full look and Lema thinks for a second. The tension in the room is so thick that you could cut it with a knife.

Naser looks to Negina and Negina looks back to him before looking at Lema.

"It's Ace." She answers quietly.

Naser clutched the pillow in between his fingers as his eye starts twitching. Negina on the other hand is surprised. "Ha, that high school bad boy." She laughs. Lema glares at her sideways.

"He is not a bad boy!" Lema scolds. Negina rolls her eyes at Lema's stupidness. "Your an idiot for liking him, honestly." Naser adds.

"Am not!" Lema protests.

Naser protests back, "are you calling me a liar?"

"I'm not calling you a truther!" She yells back but realizes that this conversation had just gone too far.

Lema flinches back with her hand over her chest, easily and obviously offended. She looks away from Nasers angry expression to Negina who's busy looking for her shoes through the piles of junk in her closet while humming a random song.

"Negina, you tell her!" Naser says pointing to Lema. Lema scoffs, "Negina, you tell him!"

"Why don't you both go figure this out in some other room, yeah." Negina suggests pulling them both off of her bed. She leads them to the exit as they continue to argue. Negina pushes them out and not long after that heads downstairs herself.

"Ladies," Naser says linking his arms with Maddina and Ameena, who was supposed to ride in Negina's car with her husband Mansoor. "You look beautiful."

Ameena was dressed in pair of stunning pink and gold pair of clothes. While Madina matched with her daughter, Mary.

Madina and Ameena giggle towards each other. Mansoor and Mirwais unwrap their wife's arms from Nasers and put theirs in return, leaving Naser lady-less.

Naser frown and looks to Negina. Making his way towards his sister he offers his hand, "Sis?" Which Negina strictly denies to. His last hope to find a pair to hang out with tonight is Lema, who he just had an argument with.

Lema stands with her hands crossed over her chest, leaning against the wall starring at some picture on the wall. Naser stares at her and for the first time he notices how beautiful she really is. But what really pissed him off is the fact that she likes that Ace jerk.

He casually walks to her, and her attention turns to Naser from the picture. Lema's breath becomes unsteady all of a sudden seeing Naser so close to her. He leans in and Lema turns her head away to the side, hiding a shy smile.

Naser smirks, "will you accompany me to the wedding?"

Lema thinks for a moment before her mouth answers for her brain, "Sure."

Naser thanks his lucky starts while mentally giving himself a high hive as he sucks in his lips turning them into a thin line.

Naser motions for Lema to go before him. She smiles and walks toward the door with her heels clicking against the wood floor. Naser puts his hands together and looks up to the sky, praying to god before quickly catching up to Lema. Opening the door for her and closing it after she's inside.

"Ohh!" Fereshta wiggles her eyebrows. Lema rolls her eyes looking back at Fereshta, Negina, and baby Sarah in her car seat.

The ride to Shafiqa's sisters wedding party hall was half an hour long. Through those thirty minutes Negina's thoughts were filled with how she and Khalid would react towards each other tonight.

Negina wasn't surprised at all when Khalid showed up wearing an expensive suit and a Rolex watch, not forgetting to wear his smug face. Negina couldn't help but turn her colored red lips into a frown.

Khalid takes a seat next to her at the round table. Negina doesn't stress about it too much. She changes her gaze more to Lema who engages her into the conversation.

Khalid couldn't occupy himself with anything but Negina. He couldn't even get his eyes off her for a moment. He stares at her as she softly laughs at whatever joke she had just heard. Khalid's elbow is placed on the table and is helping his head stay up and not fall.

Damn, she's beautiful.

Authors Note
Long time no see... this authors Note is to let each and every one of you to know that I love you all
Question of the day: do you have any book recommendations for me? (Wattpad and Published)

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