Chapter thirty-three: "I want all of Khalid's business."

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Play kiss, marry, kill 'bout the people we know
-Baby Ariel

Negina holds herself up, dizzy from the experience. She holds onto the wall for support as she walks through the dark hall all the way to her room. All over again. Second time in her life.

Negina didn't remember anything that day, a few weeks ago when she woke up naked. And a naked, flushed, sleeping; Arsen next to her on the black sheets.

Could he have done such thing? Was Negina's first thought. Of course he could've. He's Arsen, head leader of the Russian Mafia. What was Negina thinking agreeing to this, just to save Khalid.

But boy did Negina feel happy that day when she saw Khalid after the mall incident. He didn't see her at the mall, at least that's what Negina thinks.

Negina finds her feet walking right past her bedroom, and making their way to Saiids bedroom. Would he be okay with all this? Would he be happy with another sibling?

"Saiid." Negina whispers, settling herself against the brown wooden door. "I'm sorry." She closes her eyes and the tears start falling.

How could've this happened? How did Negina's life change so much in just a few years. Negina remembers herself many years ago, on the night of Khalid and Negina's engagement party. She remembers how nervous she was dancing in front of her in-laws. How she exploded at Ameena for being so beautiful.

This made Negina wonder. Did they even remember her? Does the Malik family ever wonder about what happened to Negina? How are Negina's parent now? Are they okay? Are they hurt? Do they even remember Negina?

What about Lema and Naser? Are they together now? Are Mustafa and Shafiqa engaged or married? Did Madina have another baby? Did Fereshta get a job as a nurse like she wanted to? All these thoughts mumble through Negina's mind giving her a throbbing headache. 

Negina sat, her body leaned against her baby's door hoping for a miracle to happen and for her to be wrong about this child. He isn't a child anymore, Negina knows well that if this child is real. She has no right to hide it from him.

No! Negina scowled herself for thinking like this. This is her child, not Arsen's! It's in her body! Growing next to her heart! No one will take this baby away from Negina. As soon as Negina wrapped an arm around her stomach, she knew that this baby would be loved by Negina no less than Saiid was.


Negina heard a moan from Arsen's bedroom. Curiously, she slowly walked towards the door and heard low voices along the way.

"Damn Arsen's got another bitch in bed." A guy laughed.

"I know right, it's that stoner chick Rebecca or something like that! Can't believe Arsen actually did to Negina though. I actually felt bad for her." Another man replied.

Negina's eyes widen, they knew about the baby... it's only been a few months. How?! Oh, they're probably talking about the rape scene. Negina mentally slapped herself in the face.

Negina couldn't help but feel hurt.

Her head was hung low. She noticed that and raised it high as she walked to her room. She didn't come back out nor talk to anyone until Arsen came into her room. No one would've talked to her anyways. Negina even forgot how most people voice sounded.

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