Chapter six: "We're all Allah's creations"

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Oh Allah all night, Protect me and Guide me, To your love and mercy, ya Allah don't deprive me, from beholding your beauty, oh my lord accept this plea
-Hasib Rabbi

In the matter of days Negina recived clothes and jewelry from her in-laws. Now Negina is expected to wear the dress and jewelry for the engagement party.

"Oh my gosh!" Fereshta squeals happily joined by Ameena. "You look like a million bucks."  Ameena compliments.

Negina can't help but ask, "Do you think I'll fit in with you guys?"

"What do you mean?" Ameena asks, frowning.

Negina lets out a sigh answering, "I mean do I look like you guys?"

"I don't get you?" Fereshta says confused.

"Look at you guys!" Negina voice yells out, "All skinny and beautiful. I don't look like you rich people at all, I never did and I never will."

Ameena takes Negina's hands in hers sadly. "Negina, we are are the same people. Weather we're skinny, or have a little more weight. We're all Allah's creations and each creation is different. You can't judge yourself by the looks of other people."

"Look at me," Negina says glumly sitting on the bed. "I'm fat. Even my fiancé thinks that."

"Now who told you such nonsense?" Ameena runs her thumb across Negina's cheek and wipes off her tears.

"Don't you see the way he looks at me. It brings shivers to me whenever he gives me that look."  Negina says.

"I don't see anything. And if he doesn't see the beauty in front of him... then he's blind." Ameena says giving Negina a warm smile which surprisingly calms Negina. 

"Thank you." Negina says in barely audible voice. Ameena smiles wiping off her own tear. "You're nervous."

"How'd you know?" Negina asks nervously.

"I was too. But trust me, there's nothing to worry about." Ameena assures her. Her voice is so calm and beautiful that even Negina believed her.

"Girlies the makeup, art, person, thing is here." Naser says hesitantly entering the room. He spots Negina's red eyes making him concerned. "Hey, have you been crying?"

Now Naser is by her side with his arm around Negina tightly sideways. Negina quickly wipes off her eyes answering. "I wasn't crying, I'm ok."

But it isn't. Negina wanted to scream out that she doesn't want to marry Khalid. She wanted to kick and go crazy about the fact that she'll have to spend the rest of her life with him by her side. Not even stating the fact that their parents will want grandchildren.

But she didn't get the courage to. Instead she answers, "it's nothing to worry about."

"Wallah?" Naser asks looking down to his sister. Negina smiles this time for real, "Wallah."

"We better go." Negina excuses standing up and grabbing Ameena and Fereshta with her. They go to the living room where a makeup artist is waiting for them. She has two bags that are similar to suitcases and when she open them, they're filled with expensive makeup that Negina would never want to buy on her own.

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