Chapter fourty-three: "Let me go!"

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I'm not your number one, I saw you with her; kissing and having fun
-Ann Marie


Going to school the next day, wasn't the best idea. But I had to since I still have the essay to turn in and I've got after school detention. With... Saiid.

Should I be calling him my brother now? Is that even considered a family relationship? I don't know.

I think through all the different scenarios as I walk into my Biology class. As I realized, I came too early. The only person in the class was Aaron, that senior helper for our bio teacher. He looks up from his papers, watching my actions closely. I couldn't help but feel my cheeks turn a light cherry color when he started walking towards me.


He chuckled, "You alright?"

Oh, my, goodness. Raihana, can you manage to not mess up this time?!

I nod my head continuously, the redness never fading from my cheeks. "Umm... yes, I'm fine."

He looked down at my hands, "is that for Mr. Richardson?" He asks. I look down at the pile of papers, "Umm, yeah. It's this thing... I got in trouble and... ya know."

Wow Raihana way to embarrass yourself, dumbbutt.

He chuckles again and my mind laughs at me. "Yeah, I know. I mean- I saw you on the detention list today."

"Yeah." I say, quietly. Slightly embarrassed. The silence fills the atmosphere and we both grow silent for a few minutes. "I-um-I'm gonna, you know, go." Why do I keep stuttering!?

"Stay!" He yells, "I mean... you can stay here. If you want, I mean until class starts, it's really cold outside."

He's just as nervous as you are.

I smile, "alright, thanks."

I take a seat in one of the desks, placing my book bag next to me. I look up, seeing Aaron writing down what looks like, today's assignment. I can't help but stare as his muscles flex while reaching up to write in the assignment in his curly writing.

"I think you may want to know this, Mr. Richardson left me in charge for today; he's sick and his sub bailed on him." Aaron turns around, informing me.

"He can do that?" I ask, "isn't that like illegal, since your basically a high school student?"

"I guess not." He shrugs. I giggle. Oh my Allah, just his shrug makes soda go exploding with mentos in my stomach.

The bell rings and I sigh. Fifteen minutes passed by like seconds, way too quickly. "I guess I'll see you fourth period?" I smile. He smiles back, "of course, see you soon."

All day my smile didn't fade. Only from that one little gesture of love from a cute guy. Astaghfirallah Raihana! Seek forgiveness your idiot!

Fourth period came by quite slower than any other day then I expected. Probably because I kept looking at the clock every two minutes. A nervous wreck, is what I was soon entering the class.

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