Chapter 3- He's back

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Chapter 3- He's back

"So, how was your date?" I ask while grinning.

"It wasn't a date, but it was great! He's really sweet and he paid for everything." She replied,

"Sounds like a date to me." I said while facing the road that leads to school. She talked about her time with Nathan until I parked in the parking lot.

Me and Emma leave the car and look at each other confused because we both saw a huge crowd surrounding a car. "Must be a new student," she said. I shrugged and we both walked towards the crowd.

We pushed through and faced the person who was the center of attention. My eyes widened at the scene and I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I closed my eyes shut thinking that scene would be gone. Maybe it's a nightmare. I opened my eyes and to my surprise the scene was still there.

He's back.


I can't believe my eyes. I can't believe it. I just can't.

He looked towards me and grinned and I felt like my heart stop. "Hey pumpkin!" He said and smirked. My mind stopped and I couldn't form any words. He came closer to me and gently stroked my face, just like he used to do,

"who are you and what have you done to my pumpkin? My pumpkin was a nerd and she was kind of fat, but this person right in front me, damn she's-" he leaned closer to my ear,"-she's hot!"

He's breath fanned my neck, making me shiver. I stood there completely frozen for a couple of minutes until I came back to my senses.


"Don't you dare call me by that word ever again!" I exclaimed with rage.

Me and Emma walk through the doors while she tried to calm me down. "Calm down Mel, you look like you're gonna explode."

"I am gonna explode. Why the fuck is Dylan back? How can he be back? He wasn't supposed to come back?"

I let out a frustrated scream, gaining everyone's attention in the hallway. I apologized and walk with Emma to our first class, maths. We both sat next to each other in this class, so I was glad for that. She tried to calm me down and it seems to be working, I was calm right now.

My anger went back to it's highest when Dylan entered the class, "what the fuck is he doing here Em?" I asked while shooting daggers towards him.

"I think he's in our maths class," she replied,

"Out of all maths classes, he got this one?"

"Calm down Mel."

I took deep breaths and tried to calm down, but it was really hard for me to do that when Dylan was standing there at the doorway, smirking towards me. He walked in and sat behind me, his usual spot since freshman year.

Mr. Jackson entered, did his greetings and started the lesson. It was honestly really hard for me to focus because he was sitting right behind me. He leaned in to my year and said "pumpkin!"

He did this continuously in every voices he could think of and finally I got fed up of him. I turned around and showed him my middle finger and he gave me this look of amazement.

I remember in freshman year when he...


"Stop throwing papers at me!" I said

"Stop throwing papers at me!" He mimicked in a high pitched voice.

Even after a lot of pleas, he didn't stop, because being Dylan Reed and the bully he is, he would never listen to the people he bullied. I moved out of my seat to walk to the teacher when Dylan stuck out his leg, making me trip and scrape my leg with the nail that wasn't properly hammered into the desk.

I cried as I saw my leg bleed, but everyone in the class laughed at my helplessness. I apparently became a laughing stock for everyone.

Emma helped me and took me to the nurse.

~End of Flashback~

My mind came back to reality and started focusing on what Mr. Jackson was saying. I hope this day doesn't get any worse.


Lunch break, a peaceful time to enjoy my lunch and forget about everything.

Me and Emma were eating our lunch without a problem until I felt weight next to me and a hand snake around my shoulder. "Sup pumpkin!"

Dylan was next to me with his arm on my shoulders. I hate this feeling. I looked at him with fury in my eyes and all he did was smirk. "Get your fucking arm off of me!" I said,

"Woah, little pumpkin got so much attitude," he said while poking the tip of my nose. I flicked his finger off, took my tray and walked towards another table with Emma.

But of course Dylan had to follow.

He sat next to me again, while Nathan and his other friends sat next to Emma. Her time was going great with Nathan, while I was here experiencing the worst moment of my life.

Why'd you bring him back god? Despite knowing the fact that he made my life a living hell.

Please make my coming days bare-able.



Another chapter is done. Any thoughts?

Quote:"Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned."
- Buddha

Sending love your way

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