Chapter 28- Truth

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Chapter 28- Truth

It was the first period right now. Melanie didn't come to school today. I wonder why. I was feeling incomplete without her.

Gosh Dylan stop talking like the sappy romance books guys. You're not them.

The lesson just went on and I didn't even feel like listening, not that I actually do. The only question swarming in my mind right now is that why didn't she come today?

Was it because of me?



What exactly was it?


I'm just skipping to lunch break, there's nothing interesting to share anyways. Me, Nathan and Emma sat at our usual spot. It felt weird without Mel.

Kendall sat down next to me, "hey Dylan." She says seductively, making me roll my eyes. "What the fuck do you want Kendall?"

"Woah who shoved a stick up your ass?"

"Your mom!" I reply, making her huff in anger and others laugh.

Ok honestly, I don't even know why I said that. That's the only comeback anyone actually uses for any kind of insult. It gets annoying!

She leaves us alone and I put my head on my palms. I'm frustrated right now. I have no idea why. Is it because Mel isn't here? But why does her absence effect me?

I didn't eat my lunch and left my tray on the table, leaving the cafeteria.


I'm just skipping my whole school day events. It's boring anyways. I don't wanna explain anything. Anyways, I enter my car and drove to Mel's place. I need to know why she wasn't here today.

Once I reach her driveway, I park my car and leave, walking straight to the door and ringing the door bell. No one came to open the door. I ring it once again, but again no response.

I open the door, surprised that it was unlocked. I enter and walk upstairs straight to her room. I open the door and found her sitting on the edge of her bed with a knife.

I ran towards her and yank the knife out of her hand, "what the fuck are you doing?" I scream. She tries to reach out for the knife, "give me the knife Dylan. Give me the fucking knife!" She demands but I throw it out of the room.

She was about to run towards it but I caught her in time. "Leave me Dylan." She was trying to get away from me but I was strong enough to keep her in place.

"Stop doing this, what the fuck is wrong with you?" She looks into my eyes and I leave her, allowing her to sit on her bed.

"So you wanna know the truth?" She asks, and something about her expression was weirdly unusual.

"I do, I do wanna know the truth and the reason behind you trying to kill yourself right now."

"So listen. This happened three years ago in freshman year. Your bullying never stopped, in fact, it got worse day by day. I was fed up, but I stayed silent. I thought the best day of my life was the day when you left the school. Honestly, I was like the happiest person that could exist on the face of earth. I thought my bullying stopped-" she looked up at me,

"-but I was wrong, I was so damn wrong. Even after you left, I got bullied. Apparently, people thought it would be fine to bully me after you left. You started a legacy. I got bullied every fucking day. It got so bad that I decided to just stop going to school-" she started tearing up,

"-I stayed at home for weeks. I stopped eating for days. I had depression and anxiety, and it just grew everyday. But I decided to stop this depression eat me alive. On this day, three years ago, I decided to end it all-" she was sobbing now.

"-I drank poison-" I look at her wide eyed, "-I thought that I was finally free from all the bullshit I went through everyday, but god had different plans for me. He sent my brother to take me to the hospital. I woke up after days, and expected my parents to be there, but what I got was a news. A really bad news that changed my life."

"When I asked my brother about my parents, he couldn't meet my eyes and tell me the truth. So I forced him and he finally told me. He said that my parents died in a plane crash the day I drank poison. He told me that he had informed my parents about what I did, which made my parents fly back home on that same day, but, look at my bad luck. My parents died on that day. The day I decided to make a horrible decision. Until this day, I blame myself for my parents' death. I'm the reason behind their death."

"You know this all could've never happened if you hadn't decided to start bullying me in the first place." She ended,

I look down at my feet, unable to meet her eyes. This all happened because of me. I hate myself!

I walk towards her and tried to hug her, but she pushed me away, "don't Dylan, stay away from me."

I tried again, but get pushed away yet again, "stop it Dylan."

I tried yet again, and get pushed yet again, "stop it Dyla-"

"No you stop. Don't fight it Melanie." I called her by her name. This time when I tried to hug her, she let me. She sobbed on my shoulder, and I rub her back, trying to calm her down.

I slowly sit down, placing Melanie on my lap and her head on my shoulder, letting her cry as much as she wanted. I gently stroke her hair to calm her at least a bit.

This all made me realize two things:

1st; I'm a dick, an asshole, a jerk, an idiot and all the other cuss words existing in this world.

2nd; I'm definitely falling for Melanie, and I'd do anything to keep her happy.


Bu dum tssss! That took a dramatic turn didn't it? Finally y'all know the truth. I've been dying, seriously dying, to write this chapter and now I finally did it. Tell me what you think.

Ps. Sorry if the chapters are getting shitty, I'm trying my best, so show some love by commenting.

Quote:"Be careful who you share your weakness with. Some people can't wait for the opportunity to use them against you."
- Unknown

Sending love your way

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