Chapter 25- Slut

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Chapter 25- Slut

It was 12:00 when we all reach back home. Melanie was in my arms, asleep. Her arms were around my neck. She looked really cute when she's sleeping, especially in my arms.

Why am I even saying this?

I go up to her room, change her clothes and tuck her in. I smile as I watch her chest rising and falling in rhythm.

Gosh I'm such a creep.

I leave her room and enter mine, again seeing Kendall on my bed. She patted the space next to her and grinned. I just roll my eyes and close the door. Looks like I can't even sleep in my own damn room.

I enter the room next to Mel's, have a shower and jump on my bed. I stare at the ceiling blankly. Something I do before sleep, I don't even know why. I close my eyes and so go into a deep slumber.


Sunday morning.

Sunday meaning beach day.

I go downstairs in the kitchen and saw Mel cooking breakfast for all of us. Isn't she just great? I stood next to her and asked if she needed any help, and she just shook her head.

Of course she doesn't want help after what happened yesterday.

I'm so stupid. I kissed Kendall. Her out of all the people. I wish it was Melanie instead of her.

Wait what? I can't think this way about her. I shouldn't. Everything I do with her is just for fun and nothing serious. I know I'm a jerk, but what can I say?

After asking her one last time for help and getting rejected, I went back upstairs and took a shower. Having a shower is the only time I actually think about life. Every time I think about what Mel says about her past, the only thing that comes to my mind is me bullying her.

But the way she says it sounds more serious. What even did I do?

I leave the washroom, wear my clothes and go back downstairs to have breakfast. Everyone was already there having their breakfast. I took my seat next to Mel and start eating.

Mel is a great cook.

I savor every bite of my waffles slowly. It's just so fucking delicious! "So what're we gonna do today?" Nathan asks,

"Go to the beach, its Sunday today Nathan, remember?" I ask,

"Oh right." He said.

We all have our breakfast silently, which wasn't normal. Eh, they probably just want to keep quite and have their delicious waffles.

After breakfast, everyone went back upstairs and started getting ready for beach. I enter my room and remove my clothes from the closet. Someone hugs me from the back.


Gosh this slut can't stay away.

"Hey Dylan baby, can we just stay at home today, I don't feel like going." She says,

I turn around and held her shoulders, smirking at her, "yeah we can do that, but then staying at home and seeing you with clothes, is less fun than seeing you without clothes at the beach."

"You naughty boy. I like it." She said and left.

Ughh! I can't believe I said that to Kendall. Well at least she's away from me.

Everyone were already downstairs, ready to go to the beach. I count the people and realize there's one less. Melanie.

I enter the living room to find her in her oversized hoodie and a book. I look closely and find out that she's reading Everything Everything.

"Pumpkin, don't you wanna go to the beach?"

"Nope, I wanna stay at home today." She replies,

"Alright, I'll stay at home too."

"Dylan n-"

"Guys y'all can go to the beach, me and pumpkin are gonna stay at home today."

"But why? What about me?" Kendall asks and frowned.

"She isn't feeling well, I need to take care of her." Lies.

"Alright. We'll see you in the evening." Nathan said and left the house with everyone else.

"Why'd you lie?" Mel asks,

"I'd do anything to stay with you and away from Kendall." I reply, making her chuckle.

I just smile looking at her.

Hey y'all! I know it's a short chapter, but if I do write short chapters, maybe I'll get to the chapter I really wanna right. Until then, comment and vote ;)

Quote:"You can do every goddamn thing right, and your life can still turn to shit."
- Nicola Yoon, Everything Everything.

Sending love your way

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