Chapter 40- Buddy

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Chapter 40- Buddy

Dylan is finally back after two days. We were in my living room, with me in his arms. Alex wasn't here because she had a sleep over at Chris' place. I still didn't forgive Chris for kissing me. He can't just come to my house and kiss me.

Dylan gently brushed my hair, making me feel sleepy, "pumpkin?"


"I love you." He says and those three words does all the magic to make me all mushy in his arms.

"I love you too." I said back and look at him, only to see him smiling down on me. "Stand up." He says and I look confused at first but then stand up nonetheless. He stood up and holds my hand, leading me to the back door of the house. He puts his hands on my eyes, covering them.

I heard the door click and open, and he leads me out to the garden. He removes his hands and what I see in front of me made me scream with joy. He bought me a golden retriever! A fucking golden retriever!

I think I'm gonna die.

"That's for me?" I ask, still not believing.

"No Mel, I just bought it for you to see it. Of course it's for you my love." He says,

I run towards the really cute dog and rub it's soft fur. It barks and licks my face, making me chuckle. I look at Dylan who's just smiling at me, "thank you Dylan."

"You're welcome pumpkin. Anyways, did you think of a name for him?"

I beat up my brain to think hard enough for a really cute name, and my face lit up once I got a name in my mind, "how about we call him Buddy?" I ask,

"That's perfect!" Dylan exclaims.

He sat next to me and started petting Buddy. I look at him like this and just smile. I have a family now, which consists of me, Dylan and Buddy. It's not a complete family yet, but whatever.

The door bell rang, "I'll get it." I say before walking back into the house to the front door. I open the door, revealing a frowning Chris. "Can I talk to you?" He asks and I nod. I move aside and we both walk into the living room.

"Melanie I'm really sorry about what I did. I wasn't thinking straight at that time and I just kissed you. I'm sorry." He apologizes.

"It's ok Chris. You regret what you did, so apology accepted." I say with a smile.

"We're still friends right?"

"Of course we are." I said and hug him. Someone clears their throat and I look up to see Dylan. "Am I disturbing something?" He asks emotionless. I feel like he wanted to snap Chris' neck in a half. I don't even know why.

"No. Dylan this is Chris, my neighbor, and Chris, this is Dylan, my boyfriend." I introduced. I can finally call him my boyfriend.

Chris walks towards Dylan and extends his arm, ready to become at least acquaintance with Dylan.

Please Dylan be nice and extend your arm.

Thankfully, Dylan extends his arm. "Nice to meet you." Chris says with a smile, "nice to meet you too." Dylan replies back with the same smile.

Oh thank god.

Buddy comes running in and stood next to Dylan. "That's a really cute dog, what's his name?" Chris asks,

"Buddy." I reply,

Chris squats to Buddy's level and pats his head, "hello Buddy." He says, making Buddy lick his face too.

I walk into the kitchen, leaving Chris and Dylan lost in their own boys world. I remove my phone from the back pocket of my jeans and dial Emma's number.

"Hey Mel!" She picks up after the third ring.

"Hey Em."

"Why'd you call?"

"Can't I just call my best fiend without a reason? But anyways, I do have a reason to call. You and Nathan, come to my house right now."

"But why?"


"I'll be there in ten minutes." She says and hung up.

Ten minutes later, the door bell rang. Shit this girl is fast. I open the door, revealing a happy looking Nathan and Emma. "Hey guys." I greet and move aside to let them enter.

They walk into the living room to find Dylan and Chris laughing. "Are we missing out on something?" Nathan asks and Dylan nods, "yes you are. Chris is a great guy." He says,

Nathan and Chris introduce themselves to each other. "Alright guys, time for lunch." I announce.

I call Alex and ask her and Becky to come for lunch. Then I call Emily and ask her to join us for lunch. I also call the others and ask them to join for lunch.

Not too soon, all of them were in the kitchen, talking to each other, including Kendall. I mean, I should finally stop on hating Kendall and maybe, just maybe, try to become her friend. 

I look at all of them laughing and talking. This made me smile.

I found my family.

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Quote:"I want Levi, Park and Olly to exist in my life."
- Girls who fangirl over these guys together, (me and my friend.)

Sending love your way

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