Chapter 14- That's it

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Chapter 14- That's it

"Who is he? Is he your new boyfriend? Wow that's your boyfriend right? Thank god I left you. I didn't know you'd be hoeing around and get a boyfriend so soon. Bitch!"

That's it.

A hard punch on Noah's face made him fall right on the floor. He wiped the blood and scoffed. "Never call her a bitch again!" Dylan spits out.

"Aww look, your boyfriend is protecting you. Go and hide behind him, you slut." Noah said, getting another on his face. But this time, Noah didn't stay quiet. He threw a punch on Dylan's face.

And just like that, a fight started.

Everyone in the cafeteria hall were cheering and chanting, "fight, fight, fight!" I tried to pull Dylan away but failed. Nathan tried to stop them, but he failed too. Finally, they were stopped my Mrs. S, "Noah, Dylan, principal's office. Now!" She said and walked away with them.

I sat on the chair with my head on my palms, "ugh, these guys don't know how to stop, do they!" I scream out in frustration. "Come on Mel, it wasn't your fault. Noah was being a dick, that's it. Just calm down." Em said.

Lunch break ended in a few minutes and we all walk to our classes.

I can't believe that I'm saying this, but yes, I'm worried about Dylan. Yes I know he made my life horrible, but my kind nature is just coming in between of me hating him.

Me and Em walk into our business class, and Nathan walks into the boys locker room. "Do you think he's ok?" I ask,



"Come on Mel, he tried to stand up for you against that asshole Noah. He'll be fine." Em said.

I sat down next to Emma and Mr. Rodriquez enters the class, immediately starting the lesson. I wasn't even focused on what he was teaching. My mind was completely blank right now and I was just waiting for this day to end.


Finally, this day ends. Just like before, sharing my time of suffering boring classes with y'all will be the death of me, so I apparently didn't.

I walked to my car to find Dylan leaning against it, "oh my god, Dylan are you ok?" I ask, and then look at his bruised up cheek, "never mind, you're not." I answer my own question.

"I'll drop you home." I told him. His car was at his place.

"No it's fine, I'll go home with Nathan." He said,

"You sure? I can drive you home. That's the least I can do for whatever you did for me."

"Fine." He says and enters the car. I enter too and drive out of here.

Not after a few minutes we reach his house. "Umm thanks for the ride." He said and left without saying another word. I drove to Alex's school and waited for her, but she wasn't there. I asked one of her friends and he said that she already went home.

Who dropped her home?

I drove back and park my car in the driveway. I enter the house and call out "Alex?" But no response. I walk further into the house and then felt someone's hands on my eyes. "Who's this?" I ask, knowing that it wasn't Alex because it felt like a guy's hands.

I turn around and was shocked to see,

"Derrick!" I hug him tightly and tears start to pot out of my eyes.

"How's my baby sister?"

Quick intro:
Derrick is my brother and is 5 years older than me. He studies in an aviation college in Australia and is in training to become a pilot. He left me an Alex for college three years ago.

He held my face in his hands and wiped away my tears from his thumb, "stop crying Mel, you know I hate to see you like this." He said, but I just cried even more because I haven't seen him for three years!

"Derry I missed you so much!" I called him by his childhood nickname.

"Aww come on, stop crying."

"Mel you're back!" Alex calls out and hugs me real tight.

"You're back? What do you mean you're back?" Derrick asks,

"Yeah she was in the hospital for three days Derry." She said,

Derrick experience turns from confusion to concern, "Mel why were you in the hospital? What happen? Are you ok? Tell me everything right now." He says,

We all sat down on the sofa of our living room and I started, "I had some serious case of food poisoning and was admitted in the hospital."

"Who took care of you?" He asks,

If I said Dylan's name, my brother will freak out, because only he knows about what Dylan did to me. Not Alex or my parents. But I knew I couldn't lie to him, I can never lie to him.

"D-Dylan did."

"What?" He asks in shock and then it turned to anger. "Did he hurt you or do anything, if he did, I'll kill that son of a-"

"Derrick, he didn't do anything. In fact, he stayed in the hospital for three days with me and took care of me more than the nurses."

"But I cannot let him be near you after what he did to you."

"What did he do to her?" Alex asks,

"Nothing. Anyways, we should celebrate you being back, I'm gonna throw a party. TODAY!"

So Mel has a brother? Who knew! And now he's back. What do you think will happen at her party? Comment and vote ;)

Quote:"It's a well known fact that tall people are evil."
- Kevin Hart

P.s: for those of you wondering what Derrick looks like. You're welcome.

 You're welcome

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P.s.s: he's just a temporary cast, probably will be gone after a few chapters.

Sending love your way

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