Chapter 17- Believe it or not

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Chapter 17- Believe it or not

I wake up with my head pounding. It fucking hurts! It's 6:00 am. I better get going before I get late for school. I look towards the bedside table and find a tablet with a glass of water. I take the tablet and swallow it with a gulp of water.

I take a quick shower, get ready and go downstairs to make breakfast, but to my surprise, breakfast was ready. Amelia, Derrick and Alex were already eating. "Good morning Mel!" Amelia greets. "Good morning!" I greet back.

I take my seat and stare at the delicious waffles with chocolate syrup and strawberries. I take a bite and close my eyes, sighing at the delicious heaven that just entered my mouth. "This is great! Who made it?" I ask,

Amelia chuckled, "I'm glad you liked it."

"This is beyond delicious!" I exclaim.

We all eat our breakfast in silence until Derrick breaks the ice, "Mel, Alex, after dropping you both off to school, me and Amelia will be heading to the airport."

I drop my fork and knife and stop eating. Points gained for a dramatic moment.

"What? Why? You just came here yesterday, you can't leave. You're not leaving." I conclude.

"Mel's right, you're not going anywhere Derry!" Alex agrees.

"We have to. We need to complete our training and we're probably gonna have a practical exam in a few days. We need to prepare for it." Amelia said.

Ok honestly, Amelia's accent is a turn on.

Oh wow. Great. My brother is gonna leave and I'm here getting turned on by his fiancé's accent. Great way to confuse myself about my sexuality.

I finish my food with a frown on my face.

After a while, we enter my car and first drop Alex at her school and then I drove to my school. After parking the car, we all got down and Derrick faces me.

"How are you gonna go to the airport?" I ask,

"I called for an uber, it'll be here. Anyways Mel-" he cups my cheeks, "-take care of yourself and Alex alright? Keep working hard at school and no slacking off." He said and to ruin our emotional moment, the uber driver stopped right behind us.

"Our rides here. Take care kid." He said and kissed my forehead. I started crying and hugged him real tight, like if I left him he'll just fly away in thin air right before my eyes.

"Come on kid, stop crying." He says and pats my head. We break our hug and he enters the car, allowing the driver to drive away.

I enter the hallway and wipe away my tears while walking to my locker. "Oh my god Mel, why are you crying?" Em noticed my puffy cheeks. This made Dylan turn his head and look at me with a worried look.

"Derrick is flying back to Australia today." I said

"Aww come here." Em hugged me and I cried into her shoulders. "It's alright Mel, you'll see him next time. I didn't even hug him or see him before he even left." The bell rang, "come on, let's go to our class." She says and I nod.

My first period was chemistry, so me and Dylan walked together. "Yesterday was great." I said,

"Damn right it was, especially the part when you were high and said something crazy that you'd never say when you're sober." He said,

"What did I say?"

He just smirks. We enter the lab and take our seat, "Dylan please tell me what I said." I plead,

"Please, Dylan." He ignores,

"Please." Ignores

"Please." Ignores yet again.


"You really wanna know?"


"So here's what happened." He says, "you ate cookies that were drugged. Like all of them. He jumped into the pool. You stood up on the counter, called me a peasant and made me bow down because you said you were a king. Then you made me call myself an asshole-" I chuckled, "-and now the best part. You said that I was not that bad and you called me hot and sexy."

I looked at him shocked at what he just said.

I said that?

"And then you removed your clothes in front of me and wore my shirt, didn't you notice that when you woke up?" I shook my head. "Yeah that's it."

"I can't believe I called you sexy." I said, surprised at myself.

He is sexy!


"Believe it or not pumpkin, you did." He said and smirked.

I smack my forehead and sigh, making Dylan laugh.

Stupid, stupid me.

HahahahahahHahhahahaha! wait why am I laughing? Comment and vote ;)

Quote:"Why can't I just eat my waffle?"
- Barack Obama

Sending love your way

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