Chapter 36- Answers

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Chapter 36- Answers

"Yesterday, Dylan kissed me." I say and squeal, making Em look at me with her mouth hung open.

We were both lying on my bed, and I was telling her about yesterday.

"Seriously?" She asks with excitement,

"Yeah! He took me to this really pretty place and all of a sudden, it just started raining. He walked closer to me, grabbed my waist and just kissed me." We both squeal at that.

"I swear I felt like I was on cloud nine."

"But wait, you hate him, so why are you happy about this?" Emma asks. Shit, I forgot to tell her.

"Umm, I might've started, umm, liking him." I say and don't look at her. She's probably gonna kill me for not even telling her.

"How could you not tell me?" She asks with a frown,

"Yeah I'm sorry, I totally forgot."

"Anyways, you told me the truth now, so I'm happy for you. When did y'all started dating? When did he tell you that he likes you? When did you tell him you like him? How did it even hap-"

"Hold your horses Em, we're not even dating. It was just a kiss." I say, and she looks at me shocked.

"Are you stupid or are you stupid?" She asks, "Mel, you can't just kiss him like that. Sure you like him, but does he like you? He's a player and your bully, don't forget that, and you just kissed him? You should've at least asked about it after y'all kissed. What if he told you that kissed meant nothing to him and it was just for fun? You'll be broken, Mel, and I can't see that." Em said,

And what she said opened my eyes. She's right. What if he doesn't like me? What if all the feelings he made me feel was just his player and bully moves? I need answers to these questions. Right now.

"You're right Em, I need to know if it was serious or just lies." I say and she nods.

I run downstairs and leave the house, but not before asking Emma to take care of Alex or just take her to Chris' place.

I drove as fast as I could to Dylan's house. My mind and heart weren't in their right place right now. What if Emma is right? I swear my heart will crush into a million pieces.

I pull into his driveway and park my car. I walk up to the door and barge in like a CIA officer. I walk into the living room and found him shirtless on the couch, and this sight of him just made me drool.

Not now Mel!

I walk up to him, and he notices my presence, "oh hey pumpkin. The door was open? I didn't even know." He says,

"Dylan, do you like me?" I get straight to the point.

He looked confused and then started laughing. He was fucking laughing. "Are you kidding me pumpkin. I don't like you."

That statement made a tear slide down my cheek.

"Then why'd you kiss me?" I ask,

"Oh it was just for fun. I just wanted to know what it felt like-" I slapped him and leave the house.

Turns out Emma was right. He was playing with my feelings. It was just for fun. The kiss meant nothing to him. My heart was just a toy for him to play with.

I enter my car and drove at a full speed, as if I was in a drift race and had to win a trophy. My mind wasn't working right now, and my heart was definitely crushed to a million pieces.

I wanna kill Dylan.

But I can't.

Because I fell for him.

Because I like him.

Because I can't stay away from him or get angry at him.

And I hate myself for that.


Sorry y'all, I know this is a short chapter but this book is gonna come to an end in just a few chapters.

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Quote:"What is the point of being alive if you don't at least try to do something remarkable?"
- John Green

Sending love your way

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