Chapter 23- Humiliated

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*the cast*

*the cast*

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Chapter 23- HumiliatedMelanie

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Chapter 23- Humiliated

I take a shower and let the water cascade down on me, thinking about what just happened.

I can't like him.

He's my bully.

He made my life a living hell.

He's the reason I was gonna-

No, but I like him now. I like my bully. I like Dylan Reed. Oh god help me or kill me right now.

I close the tap and leave the washroom with a towel wrapped around my body, only to be greeted by a fresh looking Dylan. He looked sexy! Shush brain, now's not the time.

"Can you leave the room Dylan?" I ask and walk past him to the closet, but he stops me by holding my wrist. Oh thank god he can't see me right now.

"I'm sorry pumpkin." He said,

"Apology accepted. Now leave the room." I say,

He pulls me towards him and turns me around, holding me by my waist and pulling me closer to him. He looks into my eyes which made butterflies flutter in my stomach. My cheeks warmed up. "I'm sorry." He said,

"For what?"

"For everything. I'm sorry."

"Well apology accepted. Now leave." I say and he leaves the room. I get ready and go downstairs.

The breakfast was ready and I took my seat, eating my breakfast in silence. It's Saturday morning and apparently, my mood was anything but good.

"What're we gonna do today?" Thomas asks,

"We'll go to the beach." Dylan replies.

"Nah, something else?" Samantha said,

"How bout paintball?" I suggest, and everyone looks at me like I've just done a great magic trick or something.

"That's a great idea. Get ready guys because we're gonna get covered with colors." Dylan said, making everyone cheer.


We were all in Dylan's car right now. Ok I didn't even know that he had two freaking cars. We were all in his black BMW, me and Dylan in the front, he was on the driving seat.

Emma, Nathan, Kendall and Thomas behind us, and Daniel, Emily and Samantha behind them.

Dylan starts driving. "So pumpkin, where'd you go last night? I was worried."

Aww, he was worried. That single statement managed to make me blush, I don't even know how.

"I just went for a walk, nothing else." I said,

"Just tell me next time."

Everyone in the car were so noisy, I couldn't even hear the music. "So, how much time left until we get there?" I ask,

"Just 30 more mins." He replies,


Finally, 30 mins of keeping my ass on the seat was over. We all get out of the car and walk through the entrance of the place. Dylan went to the counter and did all the payments and stuff like that.

We entered some kinda field and it was a huge place. We wore our paintball masks and body armor, because obviously, no body wants a bruise and any kind of hurt mark on their bodies.

We make teams.

Team 1: Me, Nathan, Daniel, and Samantha.
Team 2: Dylan, Emma, Emily, Thomas and the bitch Kendall.

We pick up our paintball guns and start shooting at each other. I'd be lying if I said I didn't shoot at Kendall first. It's because I had to, Ok?

We kept shooting at each other with our guns. I got shot at my ass and I knew that it was Dylan. I glared at him, making him grin. I shoot back at him, painting his arm purple. He had a look of hurt on his face, which almost made me regret my move, but then he laughed, changing my mind.

I shot at Kendall yet again because seeing her react to the pain made me laugh. Emma and Nathan kept shooting at each other, but also looked at each other with worry once they do shoot.

Dylan couldn't stop shooting at me. So I ran behind him, shooting him with my gun. My shoelace came below my feet, making me trip and I accidentally pushed Dylan, making him fall face first real hard on the ground.

Everyone started laughing, including me. I laughed real hard that I had to hold my sides because it hurt.

Dylan was still on the ground, facing down. I was laughing so much, and so were the others. He looked at me and showed me an expression that I most certainly couldn't read.

Was it hurt?



I had no idea.

He stood up and left the field. He felt humiliated and it was because of me. I humiliated him in front of everyone and it was accidental.

Not even on purpose!

But after thinking about it for a long time, I realized that he did deserve this. He humiliated me for years in front of everyone, and I didn't do anything to stop it.

Honestly, this, what happened right now, was nothing compared to what he did to me.

Yeah I might like him, ok I do like him, but that doesn't mean that I forgave him for what he made me go through.

So to conclude,

He deserved this.

It feels horrible to be humiliated in front of everyone, and now he got the taste of that too. sorry if this was a shitty chapter. I just don't know what really happens in a paintball field but I really want to know. Anyways, comment and vote ;)

Quote:"There is no such thing as part freedom."
- Nelson Mandela

Sending love your way

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