Chapter 26- Lunatic

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Chapter 26- Lunatic

Me and Dylan were home alone today. Meaning I stay with him for the whole day, meaning that he'll be close to me every damn minute, meaning this whole day will consist of smirks and blushing.

That, by the way, is great, but not good for me and my hormones.

I continue reading my book and Dylan was surfing through the channels, clearly looking bored. He even looks cute while he's bored. How?

I anyways continue ready when suddenly a pillow was thrown on me. "What the fuck was that for Dylan?"

"I'm bored, and you wouldn't stop reading, I had to do something." He replies. I shook my head and went back to reading.

Another pillow was thrown,

And another,

And again another one,

He threw one more but I caught it and throw it back on him. "Oh so you wanna play this game now?" He asked and raised an eyebrow.

I just shrug and grin, "maybe I do."

I pick another pillow and threw it on him, landing straight on his face, making me laugh. I stood on the sofa and keep my book on the coffee table. I take another pillow and walk towards him with slow steps.

I was about to hit him when he picked up a pillow and flung it on me. I glared at him and start hitting him with my pillow.

Best weapon in the world? Definitely not!

He didn't fall behind with the flinging and hitting me with the pillow. Soon, without realizing, we were having a pillow fight.

I ran around like a lunatic on the loose trying to save myself from Dylan, but let's not forget that he has legs too and he can run behind me too. He flung a pillow at me, making me stop in my tracks and throw one at him.

He ran behind me and I was running around the whole living room right now. Soon he tackled me and was on top of me. He started tickling me, making me laugh. "Stop... Dylan... stop.... please." I said between laughs.

"Dylan... p-please!" My pleading just made him tickle me more. I tried to ouch him away but then he held my wrist and said one thing, "we should go to a club."


I was in the room getting ready. It as 7:46 in the evening right now. Nathan and the group should be here by now, but they're not.

I wore a red lace dress, curled my hair and left them on my sides, put some makeup and wore my red pumps. Thank god my brain actually thought about bringing a dress.

I went back downstairs and found Dylan checking his phone, leaning on the stairs railing. I clear my throat, making him look at me. His mouth was kinda ajar and he was checking me out.

I was blushing, following his eyes as it went up and down my body, "pumpkin you look-"

"Dylan can we leave?"

"Yeah sure."

And we leave. Honestly, I didn't wanna hear him say anything because his comment would make me turn red. As red as a tomato. Literally.

We enter his car and he starts driving, "who are you trying to impress tonight?" He asks. You. "No one, I'm dressing up for myself." I reply.

After a long drive and pin drop silence in the car, Dylan parked the car. Dylan knew the bouncer, so we got in without any problem. We walked through the crowd of sweaty people. It was disgusting how my skin was actually brushing against all this sweaty skin.

We walked to the bar, "what do you want pumpkin?" You. "Tequila shots."

"You sure pumpkin? Remember what happened when you had drugged cookies?"

I roll my eyes, "come on Dylan, I can take it."

"So let's have a competition shall we?"

"Alright. We shall."

So let's see who wins this. Who do you think will win? Mel or Dylan. Comment and vote ;)

Quote:"I just love writing books. It's the only time where I can live in a perfect fantasy, and not a twisted reality."
- HappyWatermelonKid

Yeah, I quoted myself ;p

Sending love your way

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