Chapter 39- Worst Timing

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Chapter 39- Worst Timing

I reach the hospital and park my car. I leave the car and aggressively shut the door. I ran to the doors of the hospital and enter, running straight to the lady behind the desk.

"Hey, a guy who got into an accident was brought here a few minutes ago." I said frantically. I don't even know what I'm uttering right now.

"Ma'am there were three bodies that came in here with accident cases a few minutes ago. What's the person's name?" She asks,

"Dylan. Dylan Reed."

She typed something on to her laptop and looks up at me, "third floor, room no.31" she says and I run straight to the elevator. God this elevator is taking ages to reach here.

I ditch the elevator and run up the stairs. I was out of breath by the time I reached the third floor. I start running around and ask a nurse the direction to the room.

I take a right and then a left, reaching the room. I barge in through the door and see Dylan lying on the hospital bed unconscious. "Excuse me ma'am, you can't just enter the room like that." The doctor said,

"Is he ok? Will he be ok? What happen to him? Is it serious?" I completely ignore him and throw questions at him.

"Yes he is fine now, nothing serious." I let out a sigh of relief and start tearing up.

I don't know what would've happened to me if Dylan wouldn't have existed in my life.

"He'll be awake in a few minutes, you can wait outside and we'll call you once he's awake." The doctor said and I follow as he says.

I sat down on the chair and put my head on my palms, crying like a baby. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I look up to see Emma. I stand up and hug her real tight, sobbing on her shoulder.

She pats my head, "shhh Mel, everything will be fine. Dylan will be completely fine." She assures. The doctor leaves the room and says, "he's awake now, you can meet him."

I look up at Emma and Nathan, and they just nod. I enter the room and Dylan stares at me. I run towards his bed and hug him, causing him to take a sharp intake of breath. "Sorry." I apologize.

He wipes away a tear from my cheek and smiles at me. I slapped him gently and start hitting his chest gently, "stupid, idiot, jerk, asshole, dickhead, how'd you get into an accident? did you even think about what would happen to me if you'd be gone? I ha-" he pulled my head and kissed me, shutting me up.

Once he pulled away, he said something that I was dying to hear, "I love you my pumpkin." A tear slid down my face and smile at him, "I love you to you jerk." I say and his face lit up with happiness.

"I have a question." He says,


"Would you date me?"

"Of course I would you dumbhead." I say and we both start laughing.

Emma and Nathan enter, and seeing us laugh like this they smiled at us. "So what happen? Why are you both laughing?" Nathan asks,

Dylan holds my hand and raises it, showing it to both of them, and indicating that now we both were officially together.

"Oh my god, y'all are finally dating? Yaassss! I've actually been rooting for you two." Emma said,

"But seriously guys, you both picked the worst timing to make it official." Nathan said, making us all laugh.


The END, *sniffs*

Just kidding y'all, it's not over yet. *laughs at y'all*

Quote:"Summer romances begin for all kinds of reasons, but when all is said and done, they have one thing in common. They're shooting stars, a spectacular moment of light in the heavens, fleeting glimpse of eternity, and in a flash they're gone."
- Noah

Sending love your way

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