Chapter Two

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*Colleen's P.O.V.*

Knowing the boys are around, Harry asks me if I want to see them since I haven't in almost a year. I agree. We set up the backyard with towels, food, alcohol and a few other assortments for a small get together. I hear Niall as soon as he gets here, so I dash out to Andrea and him.

I'm on Niall's back as we walk through the gates; hoping he doesn't notice anything different about me. I look across the yard to Harry watching his lips curve into a smile. I release Niall when we make it back down to Harry.

Louis, Eleanor, Zayn and Perrie shortly follow Niall and Andrea. I begin to talk with the others when all of a sudden I feel someone wrap their arms around me, and I know exactly who it is. I get out of my seat, jump into Kaitlyn's arms then wrap my legs around her waist.

I have been waiting to see my two best friends for the longest time! They were lucky enough to get to go on half the tour with the boys. My career has always come first to me. I still can't get over the fact that Harry told me he loves me.

As we're getting changed Kaitlyn asks, "When did he get here?"

"Yesterday. We planned to hang out, and he ended up staying the night," I blush.

"Oooh, did you guys?" Andrea elbows me.


The two of them stare at me in confusion. Then it hits them, "Oh my gosh, Colleen! I am so sorry!"

"It's okay."

"Does he know?"


"How'd he find out?"

"We were watching Law and Order: SVU and I started crying. He thought I was just crying over what happened on the episode since it was one of the more brutal ones. Harry tried to comfort me, but I flinched. I flinched three times last night. He finally asked why, and completely broke down after he asked me about my arm."

"Have you lately?" Kaitlyn asks.

"It's been a few days... I guess I forgot about it when Harry and I made plans to hang out, and he was the only thing on my mind."

"You'll get through this, Colleen. We're both here for you."

"Do the guys know? Do El and Pez know?"

Andrea answers, "No. We didn't tell any of them."

As Andrea ties my bikini top I say, "I'm going to live with Haz."

"What?" she drops the strings.

"Yea... After I told him, he's refusing to let me go anywhere by myself... He doesn't want me alone, and he knows how much time this is going to take until I'm comfortable again. He even got mad at himself that he looked at me hungrily because I was licking the pancake batter out of the bowl this morning..." I chuckle.

"He got angry with himself over that?" Kaitlyn laughs. "Look at you, how could he not look at you that way?"

"I think he's afraid he's going to hurt me..." I sigh.

"Want us to talk to him?"

"I don't think it'll hurt," I laugh, "C'mon let's get back to the guys."

"Alright," they smile.

As we walk back out to the pool I see that Niall, Haz and Perrie are already enjoying the water. I got this house after a few years of owning my own business; I guess I'll be selling it now that Harry wants me to follow him everywhere.

Louis, Liam and Zayn all come over to me, attacking me in hugs because they didn't get their turns earlier. I laugh at how excited they are to see me. I guess it really has been a long time since we all saw each other.

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