Chapter Four

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*Harry’s P.O.V.*

I am woken by a slight snore, and a very loud one. The quiet one is coming from Colleen’s sweet lips, but the loud one is coming from the room I was supposed to sleep in. Coming from Niall. I have Colleen wrapped in my arms; her body pressed tightly to my chest. I never want to let her go; not now. She begins to move in her sleep. When I think it's going to be another nightmare she has only turned into me breathing deeply. I smile and place a kiss on the top of her head.

I get out of bed to go make breakfast for everyone thinking everyone is probably still asleep. As I'm walking to the kitchen I hear Andrea and Kaitlyn talking quietly. Andrea stops talking when she sees me enter the room, "Oh, good morning, Haz," she smiles getting up to hug me.

"Good morning, A," I smile back.

"Was Colleen okay? We assumed you two shared a room."

"Yea... I couldn't sleep, and when I heard rustling in her bathroom I got up to check on her," I sigh walking to the fridge.

I feel Kaitlyn place her hand on my back, "Harry, she's a strong girl. We all know that for a fact. You can't beat yourself up over it." I grip the handle tighter staring into the fridge. "Harry, look at me." I slowly turn my head from the fridge, close the door, and stare angrily at Kaitlyn . "Harry, don't you for one second blame yourself. It's no one’s fault, but that assholes," she grits her teeth.

"How can I not?" I tower over her, "My best friend got hurt, and I wasn't there to protect her!"

"She's our best friend too, you know?" says Andrea.

"Yea, and what could you have done about it?"

"Harry Styles!" she yells, "That's our best friend! You don't think we would have beaten the crap out of the guy if we got the chance?!" I don't say anything in return. "Harry," she says calmer, "Harry, you have to calm down too. All of us are scared for her."

I slide into one of the bar stools, "I... I'm trying... I even let myself look at her lustfully..." I can feel tears starting.

"She told us about that," Kaitlyn says, "You really can't beat yourself up over that either. Especially that. We know how much you like her. We know how attractive she is; how could you not look at her like that?" she jokes.

"How can you say something like that at a time like this?!"

Andrea slaps me. "Harry. You're a guy. Just because she was mistreated by one, doesn't mean she will be mistreated by all. You love her. You have since the day you met her. The sexual tension between the two of you is unbearable."

"Yea, but I can't do anything about it now," I fake laugh.

"In time, Harry, in time," Kaitlyn speaks. "For now, just let her know. Show her how much you love her. If it means looking at her lustfully then do it. You can't help it; she can't help it either."

"Will she ever look at me that way again?"

"She will. You know she will. Even when your eyes are full of lust for her, you also show love,” Kaitlyn strokes my cheek, wiping the tears from my face, “And Colleen, she will always love you. Whether she’s ready to show it or not, you know she loves you.”

I wrap my hand around Kaitlyn's wrist, gently pulling her hand from my face, “Thank you, girls,” I smile.

“Harry, if you need us, we’re here,” Andrea smiles. I look at both of their smiling faces as a small one spreads across mine. Andrea and Kaitlyn help me make breakfast then we set up Colleen’s dining room table full of foods, drinks and other assortments; and of course, Niall is the first one down.

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