Chapter Five

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*Harry’s P.O.V.*

“Hey, baby,” I smile slowly wrapping my arms around Colleen. I stare into her eyes searching for the love I long to see. I kiss the top of her head when she begins to blush.

“Hi,” she blushes. I can feel her tensing up, so I release her a bit.

“Hey, Colleen?!” Andrea yells.


“Are you going to teach Niall how to do cartwheels now?!” she bursts out laughing. The girls haven’t let Niall live down his acrobatic tricks he did while we were on tour. Colleen pulls from my grasp running towards the two of them. While she’s running she throws her round-off back handspring, back tuck on her way over. It still amazes me what that girl can do. Luckily for me, she did cheerleading in high school and college; keeping her flexibility. I stare at her wondering what more her body can do. Damn it, Harry! I shake myself, I can’t think of her that way!

“How the hell am I supposed to do that with my bad knees?!” Niall screams.

“Well, if you’re going to act like that,” Colleen jokingly scoffs. “How about just a cartwheel?”

“How about just a somersault for him, Colleen?” Andrea laughs rolling her eyes at Niall

“How about nothing! Do I not get a say in this?!”

“No!” the girls both answer him, laughing hysterically.

Colleen begins to take him through the simple steps that go with doing a somersault. Granted, I wouldn’t be able to do that with my clumsy feet; and massively long legs. I see a smile spread across her face as Niall falls on his arse. Andrea in a fit of laughter tries to help Niall up, but he laughs sarcastically pulling her down on top of him. None of us were built to do these things. Niall and I always end up tripping over each other; especially on stage. I start to chuckle as I see them all falling.

“I can’t believe she can still do that,” Perrie says to me. “Remind me again, how old she is?” she laughs.

“Twenty-five,” I laugh.


“I know.”

“I bet she comes in handy in the bedroom, doesn’t she?” Liam jokes elbowing me.

“For your information, she and I have never.”

“We all know that’s a lie,” laughs Louis. I laugh with him hiding the truth.

When Colleen walks back over to me I can see that she wants something from me, but I’m not sure what. I’m hesitant to touch her, retracting my hand. “For gosh sake, Harry! Stop treating me like I’m made of glass! You won’t hurt me! Get that out of your head!” Colleen storms off into the house. I look towards Andrea then Kaitlyn horrified none of us knowing where that came from. I don’t know what to do; and then I realize Colleen is going into the house, alone, and I didn’t have the chance to discard of her razors. Before anyone of us has realize what could happen Niall runs past me like a track star, skips a few steps, and then he’s in the house. I look at Andrea angrily.

“Harry,” Andrea steps closer to me, grabbing my arm.

“Get off me!” I say through gritted teeth, “How could you?” I shake my arm free of her grip.

“Harry, I never told Niall anything. I know that it’s not my place to tell. It’s not my secret to share. Only to keep.” I shake my head knowing Andrea never breaks a promise or tells someone else’s secret. She and Kaitlyn knew before me, and it all makes sense now. The conversations Niall and I had late at night on the bus; his concern that Andrea was/is keeping something from him, but he could never figure out what. Neither of us knew at the time that this has been what’s going on.

Liam, Louis, Zayn, Perrie and Eleanor have come closer to us to see what’s going on. My mouth is dry, and I can't speak even if I wanted to. I can only pull Andrea into me into a hug. She is now sobbing, mumbling, “I would never, Harry, you have to believe me.”

“Shh, it’s okay. I believe you. Don’t worry, this will all get sorted out,” I try to comfort her. “Guys, do you mind giving us a moment?”

"Baby, Kaitlyn, mind telling me what's going on?" asks Liam. "Because nothing is making sense right now. Niall chasing after Colleen? Harry comforting Andrea? I have to ask, what you girls have been keeping from us?!" Liam's trying to hide his anger.

"Li... I... I can't, I'm sorry. It's not my secret to tell. When the time is right you will know what's going on. All of it. I promise," Kaitlyn caresses Liam's face then gently kisses his lips

"Yea," he half laughs, "Whatever." Kaitlyn glares at him a bit. Kaitlyn, Andrea and I move over next to the grill. Andrea getting all of us a beer.

"How do you think Niall found out?" asks Kaitlyn looking between A and me as she takes a sip of her beer.

"I really don't know," replies Andrea, "Niall's a clever boy. He pays attention to details, and I mean the smallest of details. He was bound to pick up on her arms. He easily picked up on the tiniest of scars and bruises on my body. Long after I've forgotten about them.

"Well, isn't it obvious," I laugh with hatred; going from understanding to hate in a matter of seconds.

"I didn't say a thing to him, Harry!"

"Says you! How do I know you haven't been pouring your heart out to him about this?!"

“Well Niall is my boyfriend and we don’t keep secrets from each other besides that, that's my best friend in there. If you think for one second I would break a promise with her then you have another thing coming, Styles!" I look up to see Louis, Liam, Zayn, Eleanor and Perrie watching us.

The next chapter is one of my favorites! Keep reading!

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