Chapter Ten

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*Colleen’s P.O.V.*

“Well, what shall we do?” asks Louis.

I shrug my shoulders, “MmMmm.”

He laughs, “What about a board game?”

“Sure,” I smile.

We head to my basement looking through the shelves of old board games and puzzles. “You have a lot here.”

“My family used to do family game nights before I went to high school.”

“I keep forgetting you didn’t grow up here.” I actually grew up in the United States. “How did you and Niall become friends again?”

“Twitter,” I laugh.

“Oh yea. Now I remember... How he would sit on his phone for hours talking to you and laughing at almost everything. I’m surprised he didn’t go for you first,” he smiles pulling out an old dragon puzzle my sister and I used to put together all the time.

“We never really saw each other that way,” I laugh.

“Harry wouldn’t shut up about you…”

“What?” I ask shocked slowly placing a game back on the shelf.

He chuckles, “Yea… Harry got curious as to why Niall was always on his phone, so he stole it one day, looked through his phone, and saw you… Well, all the messages. He never really bothered to see what you looked like.”

I blush pushing my hair behind my ears, “So he saw all the embarrassing things I said?”

“Yea. Everything you said about him.”

“Shut it, Louis.”

“I’m only teasing,” he wraps his arms around me; and I instinctively flinch from the gesture. Louis looks at me oddly then turns his attention back towards the games. “What about this one?” he asks pulling out Candy Land. I smile widely as we head back upstairs with the game and a few others just in case we get bored of the board game. We set up the game not finding it one bit ridiculous that two people in their twenties are playing an old board game.

*Harry's P.O.V.*

"Hey Haz, maybe this'll do you some good," Andrea says patting my leg. Niall is driving his Rover with Liam sitting the front, and Andrea, Kaitlyn and myself in the back. Perrie and El are in Zayn's car.

Andrea has always been a good friend to me; she's like my sister when Gemma isn't around. I know I can tell her anything, and she will listen without judging me. She refused to believe that I'm this bad boy the tabloids tried to image me as. The best part is that she's dating my best friend, and she makes him very happy. I adore her for that. And now that I know Colleen's secret I can talk to her, or Kaitlyn , about it.

We pull in at the Funky Buddha nightclub using the back entrance as usual. We get out with Liam and Kaitlyn walking hand in hand followed shortly by Zayn and Perrie. Louis said that I could be Eleanor's date, but the still active Larry shippers would have a field day with that. Hell, they'll probably make up some rumor about him not being here with her. So I didn't walk in with her, but with Andrea and Niall; not like anyone knows I have a woman in my life now. Niall takes Andrea's hand as we make our way into the club. I'm pulled from my thoughts when someone grabs my hand. As I look up from the ground I see Andrea smiling at me. She’s now in between Niall and me with both our hands in hers.

"You know this is going to look bad in the morning if the wrong person sees us?" I say swinging our hands back and forth.

"So let them speculate. We know the truth, and that's all that matter," she answers.

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