Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Going to be out all day tomorrow, so updating today :)

*Harry’s P.O.V.*

I wake up at six am to get ready for today’s rehearsals. A big part of my life is coming to an end, but a new chapter is just starting for Colleen and me. Before I open my eyes I feel that I’m no longer holding onto her, so she must of been dreaming again. I kiss the top of her head knowing she’ll want to sleep longer. She smiles as I leave the bed dragging my fingers over her skin. I wash up before I head out even though I’ll be sweating horribly today.

I have to meet Niall at his place since we made arrangements last night that we’ll be driving together. When I arrive at his and Andrea’s place I’m greeted by their dog, Hunter, a Jack Russel; or as Andrea calls him, the new addition to their family.

“Hey, boy, where’s the rest of the family?” I greet the pup who barks down the passage as if he’s calling them.

“Hi, Harry,” Andrea smiles coming down the hall.

“Hello, how are you?” I greet her with a hug.

“Always good. Can I get you some tea while you wait for Niall? He’s in the shower/

“I’m not going to say no to a cup of tea,” I follow her to the kitchen.

“HUNTER!” we hear Niall yell as Hunger starts running down the hallway with Niall’s tracksuit pants straight to Andrea, and Niall running after him in only his boxers. I try to hold back laughter until I turn to Andrea nearly snorting and spitting out my tea.  “I’m going to kill that dog,” he grumbles picking his pants up from the floor.

“Try it, mister, and you’ll have to deal with me,” Andrea says as she hands him his cup of coffee.

“How’s Colleen, Harry?”

“She’s doing great,” I answer thinking back to last night smirking to myself.

“What’s that look for, mate?”

Andrea laughs, “I know what that look is.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Where is she?”

“At home, obviously. Probably still sleeping.”

“I wonder why,” Andrea says trying to push the collar of my shirt.

“Hey. Hey!” I say trying not to let her see shoulder.

“How did you get this out of her?!”

“That is none of your business!” I laugh.

“Andrea, let him go. You know you’re able to do the same thing,” Niall wiggles his eyebrows.

“Ha! None of my business, my ass! This is priceless.”

“Are you ready to go?” Niall rescues me from the awkwardness.

“Yea, let’s go, goodbye Andrea.”

“Sorry mate, Andrea’s dropping us off,” Niall says as he picks up his guitar cases. Fuck. I think to myself.

“Well let’s go then."

Niall picks up a pair of sunglasses from the kitchen table with the keys. “Na uh! Those are my sunglasses, Niall!” she yells.

“Does it matter? Both of ours are black!”

“Yes, it does. You have broken yours a million times already. I just got mine!”

“You two! Can we please go?!” I yell laughing at them. “You two are worse than kids, I tell you.” As Niall locks up I take Andrea around the neck and whisper to her, “Can we keep these marks between us, please?”

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