I feel like updating today. Six more chapters to go :) This is probably my favorite chapter out of the whole story! Hope you enjoy it! - TSDBlackBJJWhite
*Colleen's P.O.V.*
I can't believe the day is finally here. "How are you feeling, Love?" El says looking through the mirror at me.
I sigh smiling at her, "I feel great. I just can't believe it's happening in a couple of hour..."
"Knock, knock," I hear Harry.
"Harry, get out! You're not supposed to see me today!" I yell.
"I won't come in. I just want one of the guys to give you something since I know you're wearing the pearl necklace."
"How do you know that?"
"It's me you're talking to." We chuckle together.
"Fine, send whoever in."
Louis walks through the door shoving Harry away and closing the door to make sure I'm not seen. "Jeez, Colleen! Do you not have the decency to put clothing on?!" I'm sitting in my bra and underwear.
El rolls her eyes, "Shut it, Louis, you've seen her in a bikini. Just hand over whatever it is you're supposed to give her."
He pulls a small box from his leather box from his pocket, "Here," he smiles.
I gently take the box from his hand then open it. "Oh, Harry!" I say knowing he's on the other side of the door. He laughs. "They're beautiful." There's a pair of real pearl earrings that match the necklace he was right about. The one that I'm wearing.
Louis takes my hand in his kissing it, "I'll see you out there, Love," he smiles.
After Louis leaves the room Andrea enters saying, "So, since it's traditions to have 'something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue,' I want this to be your something borrowed and something blue. She gently places a flower shaped pin with blue diamonds as the flower. "It was Maura's something old and blue that she gave me for my wedding; and apparently Denise got something similar." Andrea places her hands on my shoulders and whispers, "I'm so proud of you."
Perrie helps me do my makeup; the only person I've ever let do mine. El does my hair just letting it fall behind my back since it's long enough. She re-pins the flower clip Andrea gave me to gently pull back my bangs.
I stare into the mirror in my Alfred Angelo's Disney Princess, Belle dress. From the second line of dresses. I took everything from the Belle line: the gown, the veil, the bridesmaids' dresses and the flower girl dress. I keep the veil covering my face because my dad will pull it back as a way of passing me on.
I stand in the back of the church I grew up in breathing deeply; still not believing this is happening. My dad meets me in the back of the church as I watch Andrea and Niall walk up next followed by Liam and Kaitlyn, and Zayn and Perrie. We pair up Eleanor with Niall's brother to make sure she is in the wedding party too. My sister and Louis walk up the aisle last because she's my matron of honor, and he's Harry's best man. Catherine's daughter is the flower girl. Harry and I are the last to get married out of us all; and it's perfect. As a Catholic the "Here comes the Bride" song isn't allowed, so I walk down the aisle with my dad to "The Wedding March." Everyone stands up to turn back towards me. Harry isn't paying attention; I can tell he's nervous because he kisses his cross necklace.
When he does look I can see how taken aback he is. His eyes widen; his mouth agape. I can't help but to smile and blush seeing how wonderful he looks in his tuxedo. I start to cry tears of joy; the only kind I can manage. I glance at my father, and see him trying to hold back tears. I get to the altar and hand my bouquet of red roses to my sister then turn back to my dad as he lifts my veil.

Personal Experience
FanfictionWritten by @AndreaLotter and myself. This is a story about a young girl who knows the boys of One Direction; her best friend is Niall Horan, and the love of her life is Harry Styles. There is a twist of fate when Harry has to go on tour, leaving Col...