Chapter Thirty-Nine

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*Colleen’s P.O.V.*

Tonight is the opening night for the This Is It tour; I still laugh each time I hear it, and all of us are emotionally nervous. The guys are hyper; which is nothing new. We’ve seen them like this before. Niall and Andrea are racing each other on segways, Liam and Zayn with Kaitlyn and Perrie are riding around on golf carts through the arena. Louis and Eleanor are messing around with his skateboard outside the venue, and Harry is trying to escape like always. Honestly, the guys are all over the place; and it’s nothing new to me. I’m even trying to help Paul keep Harry here; little upset that he’s not listening to me. Especially with it getting closer to show time.

In the dressing room, the guys are busy with vocal warm ups and changing while waiting to get their hair done by Lou. Yep, the entire crew is with us again. The girls and I are just joking around making fun of them all. Andrea is trying to fix Niall’s hair since he’s already messed it up. “Don’t touch what you can’t afford,” he teases messing up hers. The guys get their final notice that it’s almost show time, and they have to go. The girls say our good lucks with quick hugs and kisses.

Harry holds me as tightly as possible. “Harry! We have to go!” yells Louis.

“Five more minutes!”

“The show starts in one!”

“I’ll see you after the show, Love,” he kisses me one last time before running off.

“Good luck, Harry!” I yell after him. I listen to them running down the hall excitedly screaming and singing. After that Paul comes to take us to our seats; a private section in front of the VIP area. I’m surprised at how the fans are reacting to us. I’m surprised the guys can still pull in a younger crowd. They ask us for pictures with them, and I really like talking to them. I’m almost tempted to ask Paul to let some of the girls to hang with us.

“COLLEEN!” I hear someone scream. I turn my head to the direction of the voice to see Jesy running over to me.

“Jesy!” I scream back. “What are you doing here?!”

“The guys wanted us to surprise you!”


“Jade and Leigh-Ann are on their way,” she smiles hugging me. The others make their way over pulling me into bone crushing hugs.

“Hi girls.”

“How are you, Colleen?” Leigh-Ann asks. Before the wedding they found out everything. I gave Per permission to tell them since they kept pestering her; and couldn’t get over what I had done to myself.

“I’m doing well. Really well,” I answer as we hold onto each other’s arms smiling.

“And what’s this little one?” Jesy asks pulling my hair to the side. Shit. I widen my eyes gripping my neck.

“It’s… It’s nothing… Really…”

They all shake their heads. “Married life seems to be suiting you,” Perrie says. “How did we not notice this earlier?”

“Maybe it’s because you were too focused on Harry’s,” I stick my tongue out.

“You gave Harry one?” Jade teases.

“Several,” Andrea winks.

“Girls! Stop it,” I whine. They all giggle as I blush pulling my hair back down.

The lights go out and the show finally begins! The guys open with Kiss You, What Makes You Beautiful; some of our favorites. Truly Madly Deeply, Story of My Life and Over Again.

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