Chapter Seventeen

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*Harry’s P.O.V.*

As I wake up I hear the calm breathing of Colleen, and the other two in their bedroom. Last night's event begins to play in my head as they did when I tried to fall asleep. I had been waiting the longest time, three years now, to see her under me. Whether it was going to be rough, fun and playful or just full of love. Now, I don't know how we could ever attempt this again. She looked so scared last night that it hurt. I even heard her crying in the bathroom. I really don't feel guilty or anything about trying, but it still upsets me that she went along; I won't be able to get that look on her face out of my head. For all I know, she went along with it to not hurt me. I let out a deep breath as I pull Colleen closer to me then kiss her shoulder that is covered in one of my shirts. She snuggles in closer into me.

It isn't long before I realize tihe yelling I'm hearing is just Andrea trying to wake Niall up. Waking him up is not a job any of us ever wanted to do on tour. A must be doing something right when I hear, "Oh, you think you're funny, do you?" in Niall's groggy morning voice causing Andrea to laugh.

I brush back Colleen's hair from her face so I can see how peaceful she looks when she's asleep, but a pair of dark hazel eyes catch me as I move those few strands away. "Good morning, Love," I try to kiss her.

"Uh un. Go brush your teeth before you kiss me this morning," she laughs.

"Then you better do so too," I kiss her anyways. Colleen jokingly wipes my kiss from her face. The two of is slowly make our way out of bed; kisses being placed here and there with the complaints from Colleen. We eat breakfast in the lodge like usual and sit out on the balcony while we do so.

"Where are we off to today?" Colleen asks.

"Tiverton Castle, Devon Romantic ruins, beautiful gardens and a building that dates back more than 900 years, but we can’t spend too much time at that Castle because we still have a four hour and thirty-six minute drive from here to Ryde Castle in Isle of Wight."

"Since when did you become so scheduled?" she giggles.

"When I realized I want to spend all my time with you." Colleen blushes.

Two hours later we're on our way to the car, and see everyone has already loaded their bags into each vehicle while patiently waiting for Colleen and me. Except for Louis and Eleanor, who are standing by my car so I can unlock it for them? Kaitlyn and Liam are joking around like always looking very in love.

Andrea, Niall, Perrie and Zayn are getting rid of all the rubbish Niall has left in their car; which consists mostly of food wrappers. But they're all still laughing.

"Sorry we're late guys," I say walking over.

"Did you two get a good night's rest?"

"I'm sure they did since Andrea and Niall gave them a few hours alone. Which wasn’t part of the agreement," Louis says folding his arms looking pissed at Andrea and Niall.

"Hey! They don't need baby sitters, okay?" Andrea snaps back at Louis. As much as they love each other, they tend to clash the most. And when this happens, the rest of us usually stay out of it.

"Are you forgetting what happened the last time they were alone together?" When Louis yells Colleen backs into me, and I place my arms protectively around her. "Oh, wait. You can't remember because you thought it'd be a good idea to get drunk with Harry!"

"So you're blaming me for what happened?"

"Well if you didn't get him drunk that night he wouldn't have been tempted to try something!" I can feel Colleen starting to tremble.

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