*Harry’s P.O.V.*
I take Colleen’s hand in mine as we walk to our car. Louis and El stay in the back since he’s as tired as possible. I take the wheel with a coffee to keep me awake knowing I’m the only one without a hangover in this car. Colleen’s actually really cute when she’s hung-over. “How are you feeling, Love?” I ask when the other two fall asleep.
“I’m fine. A slight headache,” she sighs. Colleen places her hand on my leg in a sweet gestures. She moves her thumb mindlessly against me. I can tell how tired she is, but stays awake as I drive. I turn the stereo on letting her favorite CD play; Midnight Memories. The song Strong begins to play. The urge to sing takes over, so I take her hand in mine bringing it to my lips. The lyrics flow from my mouth, “My hands, your hands, tied up like two ships. Drifting weightless. Waves try to break it. I’d do anything to save it. Why is so hard to say it?” I turn her hand over to feel the palm of her hand against my cheek. “I love you so much, Colleen.”
She sighs with a smile on her face, “I love you too, Harry.”
“You are my world, and I don’t care what anyone has to say.” I hear her giggle. “What do you say to a fancy dinner when we get back?”
“Would it be safe for us?”
“I’ll see what I can do to keep it that way,” I kiss the palm of her hand. “You look tired, Love. Why don’t you get some sleep?”
“You’ll be the only one awake,” she says worried.
“I’ll be fine; you know how well I know these roads."
“Alright, but wake me if you get tired.”
“Okay. Sweet dreams, my Love.”
It’s harder than I thought it would be to stay awake. After an hour Eleanor starts to stir, and we still have an hour drive left. “Mm, where are we?” she stretches letting go of Louis.
“Derby,” I whisper, “We have about an hour and a half still.”
“She asleep?”
“Yea. Fell asleep about an hour ago.”
“Why didn’t you wake one of us?”
“Because you two only went to sleep about twenty minutes before her. I figured you’d want some sleep.”
“How are the others doing?”
“They seem fine. They’ve been keeping up with us.”
“Can I ask you something, Harry?”
“Sure,” I look at her through the rear-view mirror.
“Do you think she’ll be able to handle all of this?”
I sigh, “To be honest, El,” I look back at the road, “I don’t think she will be. I know she’s strong,” I grip my hands tighter on the steering wheel, “But after this summer, I don’t think she will.” I can feel tears coming.
El places her hand on my shoulder, “Harry. If you don’t think she can handle it, then why are you bringing her with you?” she looks sad.
“Because I can’t let anyone hurt her.”
“She’ll probably get hurt while you’re touring.”
“I don’t want her to be alone.” She sighs leaning back into the seat against Louis. “I can’t leave her again,” I whisper.
“Then don’t let anything happen to her,” El looks sternly at me through the mirror, “Don’t let anything happen to our baby girl.”
“I won’t. I can promise you that.” Eleanor and I continue to talk, whisper, for the rest of the drive. I can finally relax now that we’re near home. Everyone agreed to help move Colleen’s stuff to my place this week before tour.

Personal Experience
FanfictionWritten by @AndreaLotter and myself. This is a story about a young girl who knows the boys of One Direction; her best friend is Niall Horan, and the love of her life is Harry Styles. There is a twist of fate when Harry has to go on tour, leaving Col...