Chapter Forty

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Well guys, this is it, this is the final chapter. Thank you to all that have been reading, and to those of you who voted.

*Colleen’s P.O.V.*

I never thought that I would get pregnant this early into our marriage, and finding out while we were on tour. The best part, the fans are ecstatic. Another good thing is that the baby is due after tour is over, and it’s that time. "Harry!" I yell through the house.

"Yes, Love?"

"It's time!"

"Shit! I'll get your bags! Get to the car!" he yells back in excitement. Growing up I never wanted kids, but there something about Harry being the father that makes it wonderful. I hobble my way out to his Rover, but I can't exactly get in it. Harry throws the bags in the car then easily lifts me into my seat.

At the hospital I'm immediately placed in a room, but since I'm not dilated enough I have to continue to wait, and the baby won't stop kicking. Harry's on the phone in the hall while I'm pacing back and forth in my room. I can hear how excited he is, and I really want him to shut up since he's not the one in pain. Yet.

"Do you need anything, Colleen?" Harry asks smiling at me.

"To get the hell through this," I complain. Harry responds by walking over to me and wrapping me in his arms. He gets a few seconds of contact before I lean forward during another contractions.

Hours have passed and it's finally time for me to deliver. Harry stays with me through it all. Through the screams, the bone crushing grip I have on his hands and the swearing. The two of us look at each other the entire time while he gently strokes the hair off my forehead.

"One more push," says the doctor. I scream once more as the baby finally comes crying like she should. I start panting heavily as beads of sweat roll off my skin.

"You did it, Love," Harry kisses my forehead. The nurse hands me our new baby girl.

"What's her name?" asks the doctor.

"Diana," I say as she's hands her to me. Her face peeks through the pink blanket wrapped around her tiny body. As I'm being taken back to my room with Harry at my side and Diana in my arms, I hear the others screams echoing in the hallway. "Harry." He looks at me. "Tell them that if they're going to come in my room that they need to be quiet."

"I will," he smiles.

The guys and their wives pile into my room two by two. "She's so pretty," Andrea says.

"Just like her mum," Niall adds.

I'm not really paying attention to them as I stare into Diana's eyes. "What's her name?" Louis asks.

"Diana," replies Harry sitting on the bed with me. I relax into him tightening my hold on Diana as he wraps his arm around me.

"Why that name?" Kaitlyn asks. I start to chuckle. "What's so funny?"

"I chose this name because Wonder Woman is my favorite female superhero..." I blush looking at her and Liam. Liam smiles brightly; the two of us stare at each other since we have closely bonded over my comic book collection.

"It suits her," Eleanor says happily.

“It’s perfect,” Perrie adds.

"Can I hold her?!" Louis asks interrupting excitedly.

"Sure," I smile. As he carefully takes her from my arms I say, "Louis." He looks into my eyes. "We want you to be the Godfather," I take Harry’s hand in mine as it’s draped over my shoulder. There was no question who the Godfather would be since he is the older brother I never had.

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