Chapter Nine

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*Harry’s P.O.V.*

“What do you call this?” I hear someone say from behind me.

“Good morning, El,” I smile at her. I look back towards Colleen to see she fell asleep.


“You didn’t hear the big commotion a few hours ago.”

“What commotion?”

“Exactly,” I laugh, “Louis and Niall thought it would be funny to switch sleeping areas last night. Meaning that Louis, your husband, decided to cuddle with Andrea.”

“He what?!” she nearly yells. “I’m going to kill that boy,” El shakes her head.

“You, Per and Kaitlyn were sound asleep when Colleen and I went to check out what was going on.”

“You love her, don’t you? Like, you truly love her?”

“‘Course I do,” I push a few strands of Colleen’s hair out of the way.

“Is she ever going to tell us what’s going on with her?”

“I have no clue,” I sigh. “Like I said, it’s completely up to her. Kaitlyn and Andrea only know because, well, they’re her best friends. Aside from Niall, that is.”

She looks at me with pleading eyes, “I’m worried for her. We all are."

“I know.”

“Especially Louis. Harry, you know how protective he is of her.”

“And if he were to know he’d flip shit.”

“It can’t be that bad.”

I glare at her, “Drop it, El.”

Colleen begins to stir, “Mm? What’s going on?”

“Oh, nothing, Love. El just came to join us.”

“Good morning,” she yawns.

“‘Morning, love bug.” El joins us on the couch as we continue to watch TV. I’ve had the movie channels going for a while now.

“Can we watch cartoons?” Colleen asks.

“Sure, Love. Anything for you,” I poke her nose and turn on cartoon network. Even at twenty-five years old she still loves her cartoons. She lazily draws patterns on my chest as we continue to lie together on the couch. Kaitlyn and Liam join us in the room next, and I can hear the sounds of cabinets opening and closing in the kitchen knowing perfectly well who it is.

“Is Zayn still pissed off at Louis and Niall?” I ask.

“Oh yea,” Liam replies. “He got up and went to sleep with Per.”

“That explains that question,” say Eleanor, and we all laugh.

“How come you guys didn’t go back to sleep?” asks Liam.

“We couldn’t,” I reply.

“Have you gotten any sleep since you’ve been here? Either of you?”

“Yes. Usually when we’re sharing a room,” I lie.

Zayn, Perrie, Niall, Andrea and Louis pile into the living room about an hour after the rest of us as we watch Batman: The Animated Series. I stare at Colleen as her face lights up in excitement to the show. “How many of these episodes have you seen, Colleen?” Liam asks.

“All of them,” she immediately replies.

“Jeez… And I thought I was a Batman freak.”

Colleen giggles, “Haven’t I shown you my comic book collection?”


She starts to laugh more, “If you want to check it out, it’s in my basement.”

“You won’t show me?”

“Maybe later. I’m quite comfortable here,” she squeezes me a bit. Everyone laughs. Colleen can be such a kid sometimes; and it makes me wonder what goes on in her head. The way she can go from this happy, go lucky girl to a broken girl that makes my eyes water, and causes my heart to break.

“What should we do today?” asks Louis.

“Be lazy like every other day,” answers Niall.

“Oh, come on, we should go out and have fun.”

“How about we go clubbing tonight?!” yells Kaitlyn. I feel Colleen slightly tense up then relax right away.

“That sounds like fun!” says Perrie, “I need to have a good night out!”

“Yea, we need to have fun before we go back to work,” Liam says causing everyone to laugh.

*Later that night*

“Are you sure you want to go tonight?” I ask Colleen looking into her eyes.

“I am,” she smiles half-heartedly. “What should I wear?”

“How about that dress you wore on our first date?” I wink at her.

“I don’t know… Isn’t it too revealing?”

“Not for my taste…”

“I’ll go put it on, and then see how I feel.”

As Colleen changes I grab my outfit; black skinnies and a black t-shirt with my favorite boots. Colleen absolutely hates them. Just as I pull my shirt over my head Colleen walks back into the room. I freeze in my motions, “I forgot how sexy you look in that dress.”

She smiles shyly. “I don’t know… I don’t really feel comfortable…”

“But… But…” I stutter, “God, you look so sexy.”

“Harry, I don’t want to wear it!” she yells then storms back out of the room.

“Everything okay, Haz?” Louis asks peeking his head into her room.

“I don’t think we’re going to the club tonight.”

“Why not? It’ll do you good.”

I start to get frustrated, “No. Just leave it. She and I aren’t going.”

Colleen shyly walks back into the room, “Harry, you can go if you want. I’m fine by myself here.”

“You seem stressed lately,” says Louis, “You really should go. I’ll stay here with Colleen.”


“Harry!” he yells, “You’re going. You can go as Eleanor’s date. You need it.”

“Fine,” I grumble.

Louis leaves the room to go talk to Eleanor. “I’m sorry,” Colleen says walking towards me.

“Please don’t apologize,” I say still angered pinching the bridge of my nose. “It’s not going to be fun without you there.”

“I’m sor-” she stops mid-sentence, “I just don’t… Well, you know…”

“I know, Love, I know,” I pull her close kissing the top of her head then her lips.

We walk downstairs since everyone is waiting for me. “Are you sure you two don’t want to come?” Zayn asks Colleen and Louis.

“I’m sure,” Colleen whispers.

“I am too,” says Louis.

Colleen walks over to me giving me one last kiss before I leave, “Go have fun, Haz. You don’t always need me to have fun.”

“‘Course I do,” I wink at her leaving the house.

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