Chapter Three

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*Colleen's P.O.V.*

I roll my eyes. "Oh come on, man, you've like her for how long now?" Niall interjects as he looks over at us while playing with Andrea's hair who was snuggled up against his chest.

"We all knew it the day you met her," Andrea chimes in.

"Come on, guys," I say embarrassed.

Harry settles himself back on the couch letting me readjust myself into him after he plays the movie. I've never even watched this movie the whole way through, I hate it that much. The girls are all engrossed into the movie, and I'm trying my hardest not to fall asleep. This movie bores me; I hate romantic movies. Harry tightens his grip around me whispering, "I love you's" in my ear. I giggle as his hair tickles my face. I catch Andrea and Kaitlyn looking at the two of us; as if they're worried.

I hear a sigh of relief come from Liam when the movie is over, "Finally!" He shouts.

"Well, if I knew you hated this movie that much..." Harry laughs.

"Liam," I say, "Since you're as much as an action movie person as me, you can chose it." He smiles at me. His favorites are Batman and Iron Man, but he chooses The Wolverine. Which is my favorite Marvel movie; and it's not because of Hugh Jackman. Okay, maybe a little.

The entire time, Liam and I are quoting the movie; making everyone hate us for three hours.

It's two am, and everyone has gone to sleep, but me. I'm too afraid to fall asleep since I haven't gotten a good night's sleep for a few months now.

The girls are sharing my room, and the guys have the guest bedroom. I get out of my bed knowing the girls are sound asleep, and slip out of my bedroom. I tiptoe over to my bathroom to pull out the razor I have well hidden. I desperately look for the small metal piece that brings me relief, but I can't find it.

"Looking for something?" someone whispers behind me. I jump foreword. "Oh, Colleen, I'm sorry! I definitely shouldn't have done that!" says Harry.

"It's alright," I sigh sliding further down the wall. "I should have figured you'd find it."

He asks, "Don't you mean find them?" I close my eyes sighing. "It's okay, Colleen. You'll get through this. I know you well enough to know you will," Harry bends down in front of me placing his hand on my face. He then picks me up bridal style and carries me to another guest bedroom. Harry slowly places my feet on the floor, pulls back the sheets, sets me in between the sheets then leaves the room only to return with the blanket and stuffed animal I never sleep without. I've had each since I was about ten. I'm now twenty-five, but I haven't been able to let go of them when I sleep because they have brought me so much comfort over the years. Harry hands them to me, and after I'm comfortable, he tucks me into bed.

"I think you know me too well, Harry," I chuckle. As Harry starts to get ready to sleep on the floor, I tell him, "Join me?"

He looks at me shocked, "Colleen! No, I can't. There's no way..."

I cut him off, "Harry I'll be fine. You can lie on top of the covers... I want you by me... I feel safe by you," I lower my eyes then look back to his.

"A-are you s-sure?" he stutters. I nod my head smiling at him. He gently places himself next to me. I roll over to look him in the eyes; the eyes I fell in love with a couple of years ago. "Do you remember the day we first met?" Harry chuckles.


I'm sitting in the local coffee shop because it's been the only quiet place I've been able to find to study for finals. It's my last semester, and I graduate from Uni in a week. If I pass these test. Today, though, I can't seem to focus due to the loud and obnoxious boys sitting next to me; and you wouldn't expect it to be these boys. "Are you ready to order, Colleen?" the waitress asks me. Everyone who works here knows me really well.

"Just the usual," I smile. Hot chocolate and a coffee cake. I'm best friends with one of the boys in this group, but he isn't there; Niall Horan of One Direction. "Excuse me," I turn to face them, "Can you please be quiet, I'm trying to study," I ask kindly.

"Well, no," replies Harry, "It's a public place; we can talk however loudly we like. You're in a public place; if you want quiet you could go somewhere else, you know?" he stands up.

"And you could have stayed locked up," I stand up, "I've come here every day for the past month. It was the only place I could find that was quiet, and away from my campus."

"Oooh, so you're a college girl," he winks, and I scoff.

"Yea, at least I've done something with my life."

"Excuse you. My job just happens to different from yours."

"Ha. I'd like to see you do what I do."

"What?" he picks up my economics book, "Read all the time?"

I roll my eyes, grab the book from his hand, collect the rest of my stuff and attempt to leave. But Harry decides to block my way. "Please leave me," I say through my teeth.

"Only if I get to come with you." What the hell? He can go from angry to horny just like that? I think to myself. I try to shove past him. "Oh, come on, Love, you know you want to hang out with us."

I slam my books on the table. "What makes you think I want to hang out with you?"

He scoffs, "Because I'm Harry Styles," he then grabs me and kisses me. As soon as I shove him off, he leans back in for another kiss. I slap him across the face, grab my books, grab my order then storm out of the shop.


"How could I forget that day?" I laugh. "I never apologized for slapping you"

"It was worth it. I should be sorry for treating you that."

"And now look at us. Three years later, and we've finally succumb to our feelings for each other."

"I felt so nervous the day I admitted my feelings for you."

"Me too...

There are a few minutes of silence before Harry asks, "Can I kiss you?"

I whisper, "Yes." He leans over and places his supple, pink lips on mine. Harry lightly places his hand on my face deepening the kiss. I feel a wet drop hit my cheek and pull away, "Harry, why are you crying?" I wipe the tear from his cheek.

"Because I hate how I couldn't protect you," he whispers.

"It's not your fault Harry."


"Harry. Stop. It's not your fault. It's mine. And don't say it wasn't," I start to cry, "Because I couldn't protect myself when I should have been able to."

"How? I'm not saying you're weak, but, like, just... How could you have protected yourself?"

"I took martial arts for years... But I panicked... And he was too strong..."

"That's still doesn't make it your fault. He shouldn't have touched you like that. Not at all."

I sigh, "I wish I could say it's in the past, but it's always going to haunt me..."

"But I'll be here to help you through it. To protect you from now on."

"I love you, Harry."

"I love you too, Colleen," he pecks my lips. After a few more minutes of silence, Harry asks, "What do you think of boxing with me while on tour?" he smiles.

"You want me to break something?"

He giggles, "I won't let that happen," he nuzzles his nose against mine.

"You know it'll happen. My nose will most definitely get broken at some point," we Eskimo kiss.

"You're cute, Colleen," our lips meet, "Now, get some sleep, Love."

Some cute things, I guess haha Don't forget to vote!

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