Futaba x Reader

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Art: iirigino on tumblr
A request to make a Futaba x Reader by @Moonlightguard on the Persona 5 Amino.
Hope you enjoy!

You and Futaba were both close friends.
You both were quiet and shy and very reserved on a social perspective.
Both you and Futaba were new students at Shujin Academy,and upon first visit, it must be fate you two have met.

On your end,you were a nice student with decent good grades.However,you also have social anxiety when it comes to people,and you have problems making friendships since you had to move away to three schools in your lifetime.Shujin happened to be your third and hopefully your last.
The reason you moved away from other schools twice?Because people were bullying you for not fitting in.You were an enigma in the eyes of others,and people took advantage of your kindness.

On the other hand,Futaba had it worse,you thought.She was blamed over her mother's death,even though it was car incident on her mother's part.She was just standing there in front of a car and met her end.A child Futaba watching it all from the sidewalk that day.

You did not know why her mother would do so,but you didn't want to pry on your friend's personal life any further.

And ever since,she suffered major trauma and became a shut-in,in fear of society,but watched everyone else through the shadows.
Futaba had a remarkable talent of hacking,and used it when surfing around the internet.

In a way,you admired Futaba's bravery in spite of everything that happened.
Her ambitions and determination caught your sights quickly.

You were on your way to her house to study for a big exam for tomorrow.
Unfortunately,you were sick during the days they explained the material for it ,and you could use the help quickly.
You stepped out of the train station,and made your way to the small alleyways of Yongen-Jaya.

You look at the small paper in your hand,Futaba gave you directions to her  address in the morning so you guys can have a group study.
As you walked past many small-town shops,including an old theater,a supermarket,a second-hand shop and a café Futaba has told you tons about.
She seemed to really like that place.

"One day,I'll drink some coffee and chill in it sometime."
You walked up to the nice,pretty big house,and press the doorbell on the gate,awaiting Futaba to answer.
The door rang,but no one opened the gate.
You decided to wait a bit until Futaba came down running towards you in a hurry.
"I'm so sorry,(Y/n)!!"
She cried out as she unlocked the gate.
"I was helping out Sojiro for a bit in the shop until I saw the time and-!"
"Whoa whoa!Slow down,it's ok,you're here now."
You replied.
"S-Still...Come on in..."
She said as she waved you over to go inside.
The house was really nice and had this cozy atmosphere surrounding.
"Sorry for coming so suddenly Futab-"
"No worries!You needed help to study and I'm here to help ya,ok?"
She grinned widely as she grabbed you hand to take you to her room.

You followed Futaba up to her room,and when you guys reached the door,it was covered in decals and a poster saying "Keep Out".
You went into her room,it was full of otaku merchandise,some computer screens,her closet,and cool anime posters plastered everywhere.
"Sorry...This room kinda messy...."
Futaba looked down.
"I think it look good."
You said.Futaba's eyes then lit up.
"Really?!Thank you!"
She said gleefully.You smiled and pulled out a textbook from your back pack.
"Shall we study then?"

Some times past,and you were writing down some paragraphs in your notebook,reading off Futaba's textbook pages.
You sighed and stood up from the bed and said,
"I'm gonna go get a drink.I need somethin' to wake me up from all this boring stuff."
"You want me to go with you?"
"Nah,I'm ok.I think I can handle getting some water."
You laughed it off and when down to the kitchen.
You saw the tall refrigerator and grabbed the handle to open.
There was many fruits,beers(which you assumed was for her father)and some junk food with a paper attached on it that said,

Maybe he ordered some food for her and noted them?
You didn't think on it too much,and closed the fridge door.
You turned back to see a dispenser and some plastic cups next to it,you took one,and poured yourself some nice cold water.
As you were about to leave,you thought,
"Wait,did I ask Futaba if she wanted one?"
"I didn't?"

"Ah shit.Some friend you are,(y/n)"

You wondered about it for a bit longer and decided to pour another cup for Futaba,so you didn't feel guilty about it.

You grabbed both cups and started tracing your steps back to her room.
As you got closer and closer however,you heard some music getting sort of louder and louder...

And it was coming from her room.

It's not a game,I'm not a robot
A.I. challenging you
I'm not a Phantom,
I'm in your face and,
I'm here to see it through~

You got up to get the door,and you checked if it was unlocked.Yup,it was,slightly.Then,you slowly pushed the bottom of the door with your foot. (Since both of your hands were full from holding the cups of water)
The door slowly opened...
And revealed Futaba,dancing to some catchy music.

Right before your eyes
Watch us multiply
Come to claim our rights
It's time~

She didn't notice you immediately so you decided to stand behind the door and watch for a bit.
You couldn't resist.
It was too adorable.

Futaba was moving her hips in rhythm with the song and started flailing her arms out in the air in accordance to the song.

As our power grows
Tryin' to stop us shows
Might as well go try'n
Stop time

You had to admit,the song was damn catchy.
You watched in awe to Futaba's dancing and you couldn't help but go inside,putting the cups in a nearby table and start clapping in appreciation,
Futaba froze and squeaked.
She bounced off the bed,quickly pausing the music on her computer.
"U-Um...I was...just b-bored so..A-A-And I um wanted to..."
Futaba was stuttering,trying to explain her actions but her embarrassment was overwhelming her.
"I...I'm sorry...."

You quickly went over to her and patted her head.
"No no!No need to apologize,I was enjoying it a lot actually.It seemed like fun!"
You smiled back at her.
Her face was practically crimson.
'She looks so cute~!' You thought.
You then looked over at her paused computer screen.You walked over it and started to move the mouse.
"What are you-"
You pressed play and music blasted through the speaker.
And then,you started dancing to music,Futaba watching you and giggling.
You then extended your arm to Futaba for her to join you.And guess what?

She did.
And you both danced happily the rest of the afternoon.

So you know we're out there
Swatting lies in the making
Can't move fast without breaking
Can't hold on or life won't change

As our voices ring out yeah
Took the mask off to feel free
Fought it out in the debris
Now we know that life will change~

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