Akira x Reader x Futaba

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Hell yea OT3 bitches!(jk jk ya'll bootiful)
So small idea after a conversation with @SweetTeay,
Hope ya like it :3


Y/N,Akira and Futaba where sitting on the wooden floor in the attic and Akira's "bedroom" at Leblanc.

You guys were all playing a fighting video game on Akira's super old TV.
It was you versus Akira versus Futaba.
Everyone was against the other.
Every man (or woman) for themselves!

You were close friends with both the tall male and the small shy girl.Although they might not look like it,they are the absolute ultimate jokesters and memelords you ever seen.
They love to prank,laugh and just have a damn good time.
You didn't know why,but you somewhat had a crush on both of them.
You really didn't know,but your heart's been telling ya,
"Agh!Nope!I can't choose!I like both!"
So you just accepted it.

You like the suave but dorky boy that is Akira Kurusu,and the shy,but quirky as hell girl in the form of Futaba Sakura.
They were both amazing people,what can ya do?
However,you weren't the type to shy away and try to hide your affections as much as possible because "Kyaa~! So embarrassing! >///<" or
be like "Senpai~!!!You make my kokoro go doki dok-
No.To hell with that!

You were a bold and confident person.You had no problems speaking out your opinions.To hell with the people who try to ruin your day!

You were the type to love diving headfirst into taking risks,and you try to make the most of it.

Today was no different.


Futaba screamed as her eyes were glued to the TV screen.
Akira smirked mischievously,as he grabbed an item,you knew all too well who was he going to aim for.
"Be careful what you say,Futaba~"
His character started chasing down Futaba's,
"I won't let you win!!!" Futaba barked.

You chucked to yourself.Man,it was entertaining just being there watching how they act.Their interactions towards one another seem to make you content and happy to be their friend.

Now,you were no noob.In fact,you were a hardcore motherfreaking monster at video games.You're gonna show it off this achievement here.

You knew this game front and back,so you could easily beat them.But you would rather wait a bit until they really start getting into it,and it's always fun to see how they react to certain things.

As you watched Futaba and Akira face-off,your character was in a faraway platform on the screen,just watching the duo spar each other.

You were about to finish this up,but an idea popped into your head.

You leaned over in between both of them.You looked over to Akira,who was on your right,very concentrated and focused.
You extended your arms and started poking around his upper body in attempt to tickle him outta the focus zone.

Akira just rolls his eyes and smile in a playful manner,
"Is that really the best you can do,Y/N~?"

You pouted,your attempts were starting to be all for naught.However,another idea blinked up in your mind.

You leaned in closer to Akira,getting rid of the distance between you and him.Then,you started to rest you head on his shoulder,causing him to flinch a little and react immediately,
"W-What are you doing?!"
You nuzzled up his shoulder up to the creek of neck,cuddling up to his warmth.You purred like a cat,in order to annoy him.
"Meow~ It's cause you are so cuddly~"
Akira quickly looked away and felt his cheeks slowly burning up in heat.
Futaba took the opportunity to cause more damage to Akira's health,cheering out for

"Hell yeah!Thanks for the distraction (y/n)!!!"
You smiled and quickly got up from Akira's shoulder,as he started mumbling a bit because he was loosing.
You loom close to his ear and whispered,
"Don't worry she's next~"
Akira flashed you his infamous smirk and put his focus back on the game.
You then move your body to your left,right next to Futaba,and, right before you could even start tickling her she responds,without even turning back to see you,
"I know what you're planning (Y/N~).It's not gonna work on me~"
"O contraire,my dear Futaba~"

You leaned closer to wrap your arms around her body to pull her into a hug.
No reaction.
Dammit she's good....Time for drastic measures.
You leaned a bit forward and softly kissed Futaba on her cheek.
Needless to say,you're a genius.
"Wh-Wh-Wh-Wh-Wha?!(Y/N)!? W-Why did  y-"
You kept giving soft light kisses on her cheeks,then to her forehead,
And then one on both of her shoulders and nose,
A cheeky grin was plastered on your face.Futaba's face was red with like a tomato.You had to admit,she looks so damn cute~!

Akira now took his opportunity to take the lead.
"(Y-Y/N)!! Now Akira's winning!!"

You chuckled a bit as you took ahold of your controller,and did your thing.
Moments later,your character got the super special item,that made your character transform and display a cutscene of your character kicking their sorry asses.

Akira and Futaba looked down after seeing the results,which now you took the opportunity to lean on Akira,
"And there right there my friends-"
You quickly gave Akira a peck on his warm wet lips.
Then you pulled away and turned around to give Futaba another peck,on her sweet soft lips.
And you pull away from her an smirk on their blushing faces,
"And that's how you do it~"

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