Persona Hotel

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Here's some stupid P5 scenario thing I thought up while at a hotel today!!

I almost drank a freakin bee that got into my soda.But forget that let's get on with this!!

Imagine you were a patron at hotel with such a colorful cast of individuals like these:

Akira Kurusu

Probably the one you see everywhere working anywhere:
-Works at the cafe and is a master at serving coffee(courtesy of Sojiro)
-Cocky little bitch who loves to show off to guests.
-A showstopper at night,entertaining guests with tricks.
-Probably the real reason you even went into the damn hotel.
-#1 Favorite of all guests

Ryuji Sakamoto

Mmmmm he would be kind of like a bell boy/bellhop who is stuck taking luggage of the patrons.According with his personality,it's most likely he'd be either doing a lazy effort or downright sleeping on the job.But he would be happy to make patrons laugh or smile.

Ann Takamaki

I can imagine her being like a lifeguard by day and an entertainer by night.She's most likely stealing sweets and pieces of cakes from buffets when not on the job.
But she'd be an absolute doll to the patrons,but will not tolerate harassment.
-Second favorite to both male and female guests.

Yusuke Kitagawa

At first I was stumped if he'd be a waiter or a chef,but according to the fandom and trivia,he's not that great at cooking,but he could be an elegant waiter,willing to serve with grace and style and sometimes offer to draw patrons in between breaks.
-Second favorite from female guests.

Makoto Niijima

Seeing how she is well mannered,I can think she'd be a hotel waitress,helping to serve patrons.But at the same time,I could see her as a badass security guard who is in disguise to catch anyone doing some trouble.
-1# Favorite from male guests.

Haru Okumura

Pretty obvious,but I could see her being the gardener who would plant beautiful flowers in the gardens.Overall a very nice lady unless she catches you littering or causing trouble,but she is a sweetheart. :)

Futaba Sakura

At first,I had no idea,but she could be either:
-At the front desk playing Candy Crush when she is not attending somebody
-Or at a game room beating every game there is.
-Hacking into TVs to troll guests by playing memes like 'YOU NEVER SEE IT COMINGGGGGGGGG'
-a favorite of the children.


He'd be like the signature mascot and resident cat that roams around the hotel.
Often catches Ryuji sleeping on the job,and admiring Lady Ann during the day at the pool.
-Doesn't like catching guests sneaking out at night,and screeches whenever he finds someone out in the hotel at nighttime,so watch out.

Goro Akechi

Same problem with Futaba,had no idea,but just for the fangirls,he'd be a rival waiter to Akira,and another person who'd be a nighttime entertainer. ;))))
-The almighty best breakfast chef,his specialty in making pancakes.
-Second favorite of guests,especially females ;)

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