Yusuke x Reader

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For @Moonlightguard on the P5 amino!I hope you enjoy!
Art by: @ask(askzy)

You were a normal student at Kosei High School.You were a pretty ordinary student with good grades.Except you wondered what your talent is.
You went to an academically exceptional school,yet you weren't sure what would be your passion to take to heart.
You were always interested in the subject of passion and dedication towards a goal or a talent.
However,you were always in search of something that would fill your heart with passion.
That's why you decided to enroll in this school.You wanted to find that special thing that you would admire and hold your heart close to.
But as time went on,you started to give up hope on finding it since so far you hit rock bottom.

Today was no different.
Get through class,take notes, deal with the teachers, and go on with life.

You were writing down your last notes for your fourth period class,as your teacher listed the last materials for the next class.

And finally,the bell rang.

"...And that's all for today,you all may leave the classroom to your next class."

As the other students started to pack their stuff,you quickly finished writing down the last of the materials.You closed your notebook and placed it in your book bag.You pull down the zipper to close it,and pulled on the strap to carry it.As you were about to walk out,your teacher spoke up,

"Oh,and you all are going to the art classroom on the third floor for your next period."

'Hm?The art classroom?
Weren't we going to have History today?'

"Your history teacher,Mrs. Yonaka-san,is off on some family emergency to she won't be in school today."

'So I guess their gonna get creative today with the students....'

You sighed as you picked up your bag again and headed out the door.

As you walked through the hallways,you were trying to guess to yourself what's going to happen soon,as you scratched your chin to think thoughtfully,

"Maybe they'll make us do some special project...Or a substitute teacher will let us have free time....Or we'll be stuck hearing another boring lecture...."

You groaned at the mere thought.
Another long lecture was going to be the death of you,you thought.
You walked past the students and headed downstairs to your next class.


You walked into the huge classroom,the first you notice is seeing another group of second-year students sitting down in metal stools near some wooden easels,which each were holding a blank canvas.
What caught your attention was that these students are from the art course of the school program.You felt confused at what's bound to happen as you sat down on a desk with your fellow classmates in the opposing side of the room.You could tell they were as confused as you were.
As you all waited for the art teacher to come into the room,you decided to distract yourself by looking at each of the art students from the other group.

One of them has caught your eye.
A boy with dark blue hair,with parted bangs slightly covering his left eye and gray eyes.
He was wearing the school uniform,the winter-variant,consisting of a white long-sleeved dress shirt,tight-fitting black pants, and black loafers.
He looked noticeably different from the rest of them.You didn't know why but you couldn't  stop staring in awe at this other student.
He gave off this interesting aura that he seems of high prestige.
As you absentmindedly kept staring at this student,you finally quickly looked somewhere else after he met eye-to-eye with you for a split second.You didn't want him to think you were some creep.
The teacher finally came in through the door,everyone in the room started to become silent.As the teacher walked slowly up to the front of the chalkboard,the room was so quiet,everyone could hear a pin drop.

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