More Than A Half(Part 3)

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Wow I took too long making this part 0-0
Sorry LittleMissLeafeon1
I hope ya'll enjoy this mess ;w;

Akira looked everywhere for the two girls at the park but no luck.
He then decided to ask around to see if anyone's seen them.
"Two little girls?No,I haven't seen them."
"Mm?Twins?I have seen nothing of the sort."
"Blonde twins?No,but can I interest you in some-"

Akira just proceeded to walk away from the man who probably trying to sell him drugs.

He kept walking and thinking to himself on where the hell those two could be.

While he had his head elsewhere,he accidentally bumps into someone.

A female voice screeched out.

Akira snapped out of it and quickly got down to help the lady up.

"Shit-I'm sorry,mis-"

He took a gander at her.
The girl had a petite stature,despite how oddly mature her voice sounded.She had a pure white camisole dress,with a lavender ribbon on the waist.She had pale skin,her legs adorned with a flowy skirt to match her strapped flat shoes.
A floppy,a bit-too-big cotton hat with a patterned ribbon and a butterfly decoration clipped onto it.

The girl puffed out any dust on her skirt with her hands.
"It's alright.It was an accident after all."
The little lady formed a sweet smile on her face.
Akira scratched the back of his head,feeling a bit bashful,though he did not know the reason for this.
He cleared his throat,and asked,
"Pardon me,um,miss but wouldn't have happened to see two little twin sisters around,would you?"
She shook her head,
"I apologize,sir,but I have not seen none of the individuals you speak of."
Akira looked down at his feet in thought.He was really worried.
Even if both of the twins treated him rather brutally,verbally and physically,he couldn't help but feel worried.Though he'd rather not admit.He knew that he'd just happen to be the unlucky guy that happened to babysit for a stranger on a whim,but again,they were kids.
If anything happened to them,he will be held responsible and the guilt will be inescapable.

"Sir?Um...Are you ok?"

"Hm?Oh-!" Akira shook his head.
"Um-yeah.I-I'm fine."
The blonde lady frowned nervously.
"You don't seem to be alright...Your expression is telling me you seem to be stressed out."
He sighed rather hastily,
"Oh?Really?Didn't know..."
The girl frantically shook her hands.
"Oh no no no!I'm deeply sorry if I annoyed you,I...I was just concerned and I...u-um-"

Dammit Akira!Why are you always messing up!?

"No no!Please don't apologize,I just kind of had a bad day..."
"Oh...I-I see."

A long and awkward silence was followed,until the little one broke it.

"You asked me earlier if I have seen two little twin girls,correct?Are they your little sisters or...?"

"Oh,thank God no! It's a long story...I'm actually their babysitter,but the both of them just disappeared when I went out to get them food nearby-"

"So you lost them?"
"I wouldn't say I lost them-"
"Sir,you absolutely lost them."
"....Ok ok, I lost them,so I'm asking around,jeez..."

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