More than a Half (Part 1)

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A non-Persona story AU in which Akira babysits two twin sisters named Caroline and Justine,till he find out they are one half of the other.

The original request was to make an Akira x Lavenza by Purrsona~ on the P5 bAmino.But this idea popped in my head what if in a modern AU the protagonist's ends up babysitting two strange twins for an old man who is supposedly their guardian.
And he finds out a strange thing about them...

Akira found himself on the floor face-first.He groaned as he remember the events of earlier this morning.

~Early morning~
Akira's POV:

I was lying down on my bed.I was scrolling through the chat messages of my friends and various websites to keep myself from getting bored.
There were a lot of things on my mind.
Not only did mom and dad were baffled that I got a criminal record,but they had their way with me by kicking me out of the house because I bring shame to the family.

I just wanted to protect an innocent woman.

That drunken bastard was sexually harassing her.Things could have gone really bad if I hadn't stepped in to help her.
Only to then get sued and pressed charges by the same awful man.

Sucks to be me,right?

And I now I live alone in this house with nothing but a past "mistake" chaining down my name.It's really unfair...
You try to be the hero,but in the end,you end up being the most hated,even if you didn't do anything remotely wrong.
That scenario is just...cruel in its own fucked up way.

Then,there was a knock on the door,interrupting my train of thoughts.
I got up from my bed and went over to answer
I opened it,and saw two little girls,who were likely twins.They both have platinum blonde hair and bright yellow eyes.However, one twin had two side buns on her head,while the other had a braid on the back of her head.Both girls wore eyepatches on the opposing eyes of their twin.
Needless to say,they matched one another.
Behind them was a short older man,he looked somewhat bizarre.He had pointy ears,a very long nose and bursting bloodshot eyes.He wore a black suit with white gloves.

Man,this man sure looked creepy.

Allow me to introduce myself.My name is Igor,and I need some assistance."

I was about to shut the door just like that,but both twin were staring at me with menacing eyes,as if I should not ignore what this man will say next,so I kept holding open the door.
I still had no clue what was I going to expect.

"If you would be so kind young man, I need you to take care of these young ladies for me while I take care some urgent business at work."
I tilted my head and asked,
"Wait,so you want me to babysit them?"
This Igor guy replied,
"Yes yes,I have no one else to help me to temporarily take care of them."

I glanced doubtfully at both him and the girls.
"Why would you leave your children with a complete stranger,sir?"
I crossed my arms in wonder at his answer.
He just chuckled,
"I know I can trust you,even if you don't know me,young man.And I have no one else.
But he then turned around,
"But it's fine if you don't want to.After all,I may be just a peculiar stranger you want to run away from~"
I widened my eyes in a bit of shock.
This man isn't one to be messed with.
I sighed,
"Alright....I'll take care of them or whatever."
He snickered.
"Excellent~ Now you two girls behave while I'm gone."
The old man bowed at both of them and walked off out of sight.

Third Person POV:

Akira still didn't quite understand at first,but,he knew he'd feel bad if something happened to them with just by themselves.
I stared at both girls as they took subtle glances at him.He gestured both of them to go inside,and once they headed in,he closed the door behind them.

"So um...My name is Akira Kurusu.Nice to meet y-"
The bun girl immediately then kicked him to the floor.
"On your knees!!"
Akira got shocked by this girl's amount of strength and sudden outburst and,weakly,got back up.
"W-What the heck?!What did I do?!"
"You seemed to not be prepared enough to react to quick reflexes...."
The braided girl stated.
"What does that have to do with any-OUCH!!"
The bun haired girl once again knocked him down to the floor.
"You can't let your guard down.EVER!That'll make you easy to be weak!!"
The frizzy haired male looked in pain to the calmer twin.
She sighed and called over her sister.
"That's enough,Caroline."

Caroline,then stepped off the male and walked to her sister's side.

"Just...who are you girls??"

The girls then looked at him dead in the eye.

"I am Caroline."
"And I am Justine"

And then both of them glanced at each other,

"And you should know your place,Inmate."

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