Innocent Crush

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Another request from the P5 Amino,this time by @Akira Kurusu,I hope you enjoy!
If you thought this was gonna be some maid teacher and student action,wrong!
You get fluff! XD

Scenario/AU:  In which a much younger and smaller Akira was a student of Ms. Kawakami at a much younger age,he had an innocent crush on his teacher.

Once a upon a time,there was a normal young boy.He always wore a yellow raincoat,and some little match boots.He had messy dark hair and cute little dark eyes.
He lived in a quaint little town and led a rather simplistic life.
Destiny will await him when he becomes older.
Oh what would life have in store for him....

But that's for another time.
He was just roughly 7 years old.
Let the poor boy enjoy life!
That future and destiny stuff can wait for later!
Anyways,back to story time.

The young boy was just starting the second grade.
The problem was,the boy was a lonely child.
He had trouble speaking with others,and he was meekly shy.
This caused him to somewhat dissociate with the other kids.
He didn't really mind,but it started to subconsciously make him feel worse.

But everything changed when he met her.

She has dark brown unkempt hair,and dark brown eyes.
She wore a yellow sleeved shirt with thin yellow and red lines.A blue denim skirt,and white heel shoes.
She wore a bright smile.

She cheered the whole class up.
She was like...a sun that rises upon the beautiful earth.
She was beautiful in the young boy eyes.
Like a light that struck bright through the darkness.
She was nothing he ever seen.

He would constantly get embarrassed and pouted anytime he was caught spacing off by her.
He got puffy and blushed because how much his poor heart was beating.
He couldn't help but just...
Enjoy her company,is all.

Over the next courses of the day,he would draw things that reminded him of her,and brought it up to her as a gift.

"Oh?Sweetie,you made this?"
The brunette looked at the drawing,which consisted of a cute little flower he doodled with messy coloring.
"U-Um...!I made it...Y-Yes...It reminded me of you s-so..."
The dark haired boy twiddled his little fingers as he looked down on the floor with pure embarrassment.
She smiled warmly,and started to stroke his hair,patting him and spoke,
"This looks really beautiful,thank you very much!"
The little boy,surprised by the affectionate gesture,looked away and stuttered,
The teacher smiled,and posted the drawing near her desk.
"There!Now I can see your art everyday,Kurusu-kun!"
Akira blushed again,and sputtered out,
"T-Thank you miss..."


One day,the class had a project that need to be divided in groups of two partners.
All the class seemed paired up.
Except poor Akira.
Everyone was already talking about the project on their own,he was just sitting in the corner,hugging his knees and hiding his pitiful expression.
No one was willing to talk to him,nor whom he have asked accepted the offer.

Ms.Kawakami was about to call over the class until she noticed the boy.
She walked slowly towards him with a worried look.
"Kurusu-kun?Is everything alright?"
Akira sighed and mumbled.
"No one wants to hang out or is willing to help me."
"That's not true!"
Akira looked up at his teacher.
"They don't want anything to do with me,so I have no partner..."
There was a bit of silence,until the brunette spoke up cheerfully,
"Then I'll help you out!"
Akira's little orbs in his eyes lit up.
Kawakami took a hold of the small boy's hand.
"I'll be your partner,so you won't stand her alone."
She smiled warmly at him.
Akira felt a soft warm beat pass through his chest.
"O-Ok Ms Kawakami...."
He really did admired her.
The young one will always be grateful for his teacher.

Anddddd done!I hope you enjoy!

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