Akira x Sleepless!Reader

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Another request,but this time my boredom and sickness is getting the better of me,so please forgive me @Reedus Aiko, but I hope you enjoy it.

You were a student at Shujin Academy.
You seemed to be well,a nice person overall.
You had sort of a problem.
A sleeping problem that is.
You kept having some repetitive nightmares that kept you up at night.
This nightmares were a daily problem for you.
You didn't know why or what they are,you don't remember.
But it caused you having problems of being almost always very tired or sleepy during the day.
Hell,sometimes it was so much of a problem you'd sleep right through a class!
However,you want to at least be awake whenever that one person was around.
That transfer student from the country.
That boy who seemed to stand out from the rest.
Akira Kurusu.

This boy,with that wavy,messy black hair,and those dark gray eyes,ya can't miss him.
He also wears a set of black glasses.
Although at first glance,he seems like your average person with little to no influence in the world,and was a prisoner of whatever God or something decided what kind of life would he'd be born into.
You could tell just by taking a glance at his situation:
He has a criminal record in which he was falsely accused of a crime he did not commit,yet other people seemed to enjoy walking all over him.
At the time though,you sensed a strong-willed soul behind that quiet demeanor of his.

You were sort of an observant type of person,so you'd like to sort analyze these types of things.

Nevertheless,you kept an eye out for this boy,and eventually,you got acquainted with him enough to go to his place to study.

He lives....well,not exactly a house but in a attic of his guardian's cafe....Man,this guy just can't catch a break,can he?

Surprisingly enough,you'd expected his room to be messy and dusty,considering his staying in an attic,but the room was clean and tidy,and very comfortable,much to your surprise.

You and Akira were studying peacefully in the small sofa near the table filled with textbooks.
That is,until you started to get sleepy.

'Dammit,this again??' You thought.

You tried your hardest to keep yourself awake by pinching your hand,rubbing your eyes and softly kicking your leg underneath the table,but your tiredness got the better of you as you slowly drifted off to close your eyes and leaned onto Akira's shoulder.

Akira immediately noticed,and was about to say something,but decided to observe you for a moment.
"Mmmm..."  You hummed.
You finally realized your actions and opened your eyes,getting out of your haze.
The first thing you see is Akira staring into your (e/c) eyes and felt a burning warmth coming along your cheeks,as a tint of pink started to appear.
You immediately got off him,begging for forgiveness for your absentminded actions.
Akira just rubbed his chin in thought and asked,
"(Y/n), have you've been sleeping well?"
You turned away from his gaze and replied,
"W-Well...not exactly....I've...been having some bad dreams lately...."
You looked down at your feet.
Akira looked at you worriedly and,an idea popped in his head.
He hovered over you and put an arm behind your back and another towards your legs.
"Akira,what are y-"
He managed to hold you up and proceeded to carry you bridal style,as he stood up.
"Wh-?!Put me down!!!"
Akira just smirked and laid your body down to his bed.
"Why are you..."
"The Sleeping Beauty needs her sleep right~?"
He grinned mischievously.
You poured and replied,
"Shut up....I'm no beauty...."
You sighed as you just sat up straight.

Akira then proceed to slowly pull you towards the bed,holding closely.
"What are you doing?"
Akira then softly reached your hand,intertwining his soft fingers with yours.

"Don't worry...As long as I'm here...No nightmare will torment you..."
You were about to object until you felt an immediate wave of sleep fall upon you.

You felt this warm tingling sensation surrounding your body.It felt very...nice.

You drifted to full sleep and surprisingly,no nightmare to be found.

Huh,he was right.

Morgana: You should sleep with him more often. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

That way he'll go to sleep more. ÒwÓ

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