Persona x Danganronpa~!

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For the P5 and Danganronpa Amino collab,make something mixing both wonderful fandoms!
I hope you enjoy Gfsg101
It's a bit messy so if I made some mistakes I'm sorry ;-;

Akira's POV:

"Hey dude,you alright?"

A voice rang through my ears as I slowly opened my eyes,my eyes still trying to focus around the hazy vision I was seeing.
A blonde boy came into my vision,and a bright light shining down from behind him.
He was looking right at me,so it seemed from my perspective,I assume was on the cold floor.
I mumbled,as I started to pick myself off from the ground.

"Yo,you were the last one to wake up."
Wake up?
I looked around me,to see a couple of other teens around my age.They were all speaking at the same time.

"What's going on?"
"What is this place?"
"Does anyone know what's going on?"

I examined the place I was in.The room we were in sort of seemed to be a school gym.
This gym But...

This isn't my school.

I tried to collect my thoughts...
I was walking to school,just like everyday as usual...
But everything else was a blur...
But I can assure you,
this was not my school.

I threw a glance back at the blonde teen beside me,who just shrugged,

"If you're asking where the hell are we,your guess is as good as mine."
I stood up,and that's when we all heard a war splitting voice,
Everyone froze.
"What on earth was that?"
A boy with dark blue hair asked.

"Whoever you are,show yourself!"
A girl with brown short hair with a bob cut shouted in retaliation.

"Howdy!Is everyone here?Hm?Good!Then let's get this thing started!"

Suddenly,we all see the sight of a black and white bear jumping out of the stage in front of us,and landing on top of the table.

This bear,it had one half of a cute passive white coating on the left,while the other half had a striking red eye with a devilish smile with black coating on the right.
"A...teddy bear?" A girl with blonde hair and two pigtails on both sides of her head.
"I'm not a teddy bear!"
The bear remarked,and continued,

"Welcome,welcome!The name's Monokuma!and from a this day forward,I'll be your school headmaster!"

This is the weirdest thing I ever seen.

"Gyahhhh!!!The bear...can talk?!"
A girl with short and fluffy hair shrieked.

"I told you,I'm not a teddy bear!"
Monokuma lifted his paw,and sprung out some long and sharp claws,as if he was trying to intimidate us.
"Anyways,you all must be soooooo confused!!Like,'What am I doing here? Who the heck are these people?' But don't worry!!Everything will be revealed soon~! Upupu~!"

"Shut the hell up!What the hell is goin' on and why is there a talking stuffed animal?!"

"Geez,looks like someone needs some anger management~!!"
"Knock it off,Ryuji!!"
The blonde girl from earlier said as she tried to restrain the boy who I assume is Ryuji.
"Lemme go,Ann!!"

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