More than a Half (Part 2)

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Continuation from the last part,I hope you all enjoy. :3

Akira's POV:
That's how it all started...
And now,I'm these girls' personal punching bag.
I'm done at the floor face first in my living room,somehow ending up babysitting these two creepy twins.
Just how the hell were they so strong?!
Especially the one with buns....Caroline was it?
Yeah...She's loud and rowdy...
Then there's her sister,Justine....I'm guessing she's the mature and calmer twin.After all,she didn't gave me such brutality....

I sighed and weakly got up,grasping on the front of my shirt,in the place where I got my sorry ass kicked in.

What do you girls want out of me...?

"Stand up straight,Inmate!And don't slouch over!"
Caroline shouted.
'Inmate?What?' I thought.

I groaned and replied,
"If you guys are so capable of taking care yourselves,why do I need to babysit you guys...?"
"Because our Master doesn't want us wandering around alone,and there was no one else available."


Third person POV:

"When you mean 'Master',did you mean that old man who just left...?"
Caroline pulled out a baton and swung it at the near taller male,much to his last surprise.
"Huh,you are quite perceptive,for a lowlife!"
Akira was bewildered,and stayed frozen.

Justine quickly held her sister's arm,lowering the baton away from him,
"Caroline,it's not wise to threaten him repeatedly.It's best if you refrain for a bit."

Caroline put the baton back down and put it away,pouting and huffing out of pure impatience
'Thank the lord she's here...'
Akira thought.
Justine glared at him,
"Even if he is a lowlife."

Akira frowned,
"I'm right here you know."

-Some time later-
The twins were downstairs,watching TV.
Akira was in his room upstairs.
He sat next to his desk,hand over his head on the table.
He felt miserable.
"Why is it that everyone looks down on me...."
He was in dismay,all he wanted was to do the right thing.
But no,he ended up with a criminal record,and now everyone treats him lower than trash.

Oh and remember when I said the twins were downstairs?That is no longer true,for there were going to call Akira,until they eavesdropped on him.
"Hey Inm- Hm?"
She was about bust into the door until  she heard crying.
Justine was right behind her,listening in.

He banged his on the table,following some angry sobs.
He really felt like he was the scum of the earth.
The twins felt pity for him,though Caroline did not wanted to admit it.
"Hmph...what a crybaby..."
"...We should help him..."

Then,an idea popped in Justine's head,and whispered it to Caroline.
They both nodded in agreement and they went back downstairs,beginning their plan.

'Again,what's up with that nickname...?'

Akira used his arm to wipe his tears,sighed,and rushed himself downstairs.

"What now...?"
"Take us to the park!"
"No questions.Just do as we say."
Caroline pulls out her baton.
"You want to see what my electric shock baton can do?!"
Akira backed away and almost fell to the ground.
"It's electric?!"

'Where do these girls find such dangerous weapons?!'
He wondered.

"So,will you take us now?"

And so,we ended up in the park for some reason.
But that didn't stop Caroline from lecturing or correcting Akira throughout the entire car ride.Justine just kept quiet and stopped Caroline during the times she tried to attempt torture/murder on Akira.

They arrived at the neighborhood park,Akira helping both girls out the car door.

"Hmph,I didn't expect you to be a gentleman."
"Well I didn't expect children to be so destructively strong,but here we are."

Caroline glared at him for his comment,but Justine chuckled a bit at his sass.

The three walked through the massive park for a while,until the twins started to get hungry.
Akira found a small shack-like booth,with some wooden table and some chairs.
Although the eating area and the shop were a bit distanced from one another.
"You girls stay here while I get your food,and stay put,got it?"
"You can't go around telling us what to do,Inmate!!!"
"We'll be here."
Akira was about to leave until,
"And get us strawberry smoothies!!!And don't mess up!!"
Akira sighed as he noticed strangers staring at them weirdly and proceeded to walk off.

He made his way to the shack.He was waiting in line for about 10 minutes until he finally got to the cashier and made the order.
He got their food and walked back,trying not to let the tray fall of his hands.
But...The girls weren't at the table.
He looked around,hoping to spy the familiar platinum blonde twins somewhere,but to no avail.
He asked some nearby strangers at the other tables if they saw them.
"Excuse me,ma'am,but have you seen two blonde twins with braids and buns with eyepatches and one armed with a metal baton?"
The lady looked at him as if he was a madman,shocked by how scarily calm he was.
"N-No...I have not...Now if you excuse me..."
She then scooted her and her child to another table.Away from Akira.

"...Goddammit..." He said under his breath.
He kept looking,but no sign of them anywhere.

"Fuck,what am I gonna do?!

You had one job,Akira.XD
And end the long chapter!
I hope you enjoy this part,I'll make part three as soon as I can.
Good day/night!

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