Yusuke x Futaba

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Art by: @ar(rikuesuto)-https://touch.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=59923324 (pixiv)
A request for @Purrsona~ on the Persona 5 amino.I hope you enjoy!

Yusuke was walking out of a train from Shibuya to meet with Futaba at Leblanc. Apparently,Yusuke accidentally broke one of Futaba's expensive action figurines and to make up for it,he asked to meet up with her to not only ask for forgiveness,but to give her a very special apology gift.

As he walked out of the train station,Yusuke looked around at his surroundings,while securing his gift for her that he held underneath his right arm,something rectangular shaped and covered over by a white cloth.

He walked carefully his steps down to the neighborhood in where Leblanc is,remembering the events of what happened a few days prior.

"Futaba!" He went over to look at the small orange haired girl,who was kneeling down on the floor,looking at her poor broken glass figure....
"N...No...." She picked up the small pieces of glass,careful enough not to hurt her fingers upon the sharp edges.The tiny arms and body of the figurine were separated from each other on the floor.
"My deepest profoundest apologies!!I wanted to examine it closer but I accidentally knocked it from the shelf on my way to hold it and-"
"Shut.Up." Futaba stood up slowly,holding all of the pieces left of the figurine in her hands.

She was shaken slightly.She has tears in her eyes.She was absolutely enraged.
"Futaba please forg-"
She grabbed her pillow and began to hit him with it to shoo him out of her room.
Yusuke blocked her attempts but still,for a small girl,she hit really hard.
When he was finally out of the doorway,Futaba knocked him to the floor, and slammed the door with all her might right behind her.
Yusuke tried to stand up and reach for the doorknob to open it,but she has already locked it.
"Futaba please!I'm sorry!It was an accident!"

No response.
He waited on the floor for a while,until he heard sobbing coming from her room.
"Futaba....I'm so sorry..."

There was nothing he could do at the moment,so he let her be.
Futaba ended up crying the rest of the day for it.
Now,she knows it was an accident,but why has she gone really upset is because that figurine was the first figurine Sojiro ever bought for her.So she was really sad that it is now broken down to just dismembered pieces of glass.

Yusuke always felt bad if he had done something to upset his friends,but now he is in pain because now it was Futaba.Of all goddamn people in the world,she had to be the one.
He didn't-no.Never wanted to see or hear her cry the most.
Her sobs caused great pain to him.All he wanted was for her to please stop.He knows she went through so much,so the last thing he wants is his friend to feel such sadness.

He did feel immensely guilty for breaking her figurine,so he came up with an idea to apologize.He tried to call and text Futaba numerous times to apologize but she wouldn't answer.He decided to call Akira and explain the situation to him,so he can get her in Leblanc and be able to meet up with her.

And so,that's where we are today.

Yusuke walked past the streets of Yongen-Jaya and finally found Leblanc.
He opened the door and held his breath for what's about to happen next.

Futaba was sitting next to Akira in a table,and as soon as she saw Yusuke,she stood about and was about to make a beeline toward the door,until the frizzy haired male grabs her by the arm to stop her attempt.
"Nooooo!Lemme gooooo!!!"
But it was no use.Akira was not about to let her escape.She needs to hear his apology.
"Futaba,please calm down.He just wants to say sorry."
"Lemme go!!I don't wan-"
"Futaba,please sit down."

Futaba poured, and sat down,crossing her arms in annoyment.She turned her gaze at Yusuke and glared at him.
Akira then stood up and sighed,
"Now,I'm going to head out,and you two better be friends when I come back."
He sighs tiredly,walking past Yusuke and out he goes.
Yusuke slowly moved forward to the table Futaba was sitting,who was still having both her arms crossed and doing her best to ignore Yusuke.On his side,he was putting the gift on a chair,adjusting it's position.
Futaba was indeed still holding back her emotions,but Yusuke could feel her lingering anger.
"Futaba....I know I'm not exactly the best person to understand your situations in life....And I acknowledge well that I do not have experience of receiving a special gift out of love from my own parents...."
Yusuke looked down at his feet,remembering once again he did not had any.
"....But I do know how much that figurine meant to you.It's the same feeling of how much I care for my mother's painting,the Sayuri."

Futaba was still not looking directly in eye contact to Yusuke,but it seemed like she was listening.
"And...it must be a terrible feeling to have something you hold dear be ruined or broken...."
"So...I made this as a peace offering and a gift from me to you,that I hope you will enjoy.
And I sincerely hope you can find it in your kind heart that you can please forgive me...."
He put his hand on the table cloth,and pulled it down.
It revealed a painting of a woman with short hair and glasses holding what seemed like a baby wrapped in a soft blanket.
Futaba eyes lit up,as she recognized the two people in the painting.
"Y-You...H-How did you...."
"I asked Akira if Boss had any pictures of your mother,and I was able,with permission of course,to use the picture as a reference to draw your dear mother."
Yusuke then bowed at the girl.
"Please...!I understand if you won't forgive me but I beg of you...please don't be mad anymore...!"
He closed his eyes,and still had his head down,awaiting Futaba's response.
After a few moments later,he heard sobbing.
He looked up and saw his friend in tears.
He panicked and went over to her.
"Futaba!I'm so sorry for-!"
Futaba kept sobbing,but gave him a soft smile.
"N-No....I'm not sad...I'm happy...Happy that....I have such an amazing person for a friend....that you did all of this....J-Just for me...."
Futaba then stood up and hugged Yusuke.
Yusuke,on the other hand,immediately blushed at the other's sudden action.But he then gave in and hugged her back in comfort.
She finally broke out and cried,right in his chest.
"Shh....It's ok..."
He patted Futaba's head to comfort,as her cries had gotten louder and louder.
They've been at this for while,until Futaba finally started to calm down and then whispered to Yusuke,

"T-Thank you..."

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