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I suggest you should listen to the song Moments by One Direction while reading this.

I also have another suggestions where you could listen to Amnesia by 5SOS.

Whatever you choose is fine. Enjoy!

'All of this was just a twisted dream...'

This is real. It actually happened. There's no going back in time to have this life for one more day. This is real.

I made it, with a few cuts and bruises, but Desi... A lot of damage has been made to her.

God, I'm so stupid! If it wasn't for that dumb flashback, none of this would not have happened!

But it did.

I was about to climb out of the hospital bed until Jane, the nurse that has been taking care of me, came in.

"Luke? It's time to stretch out your legs." She says politely, quickly walking up to me.

Jane places her hand on my back and holds my arm to help me stand up and I thank her as she brings the pole holding the saline bag to me.

I wince as I take the first step but decide to ignore the pain and get on with it.

"Are you okay, Luke?" Jane asks.

I nod my head. "Y-Yeah. I'm fine. Thanks."

I take my time walking out of my hospital room to try and ease the pain a little.

When I finally got out to the hall, I mentally thanked Jesus because it took me a thousand years just to get from the bed to the hall.

A small chuckle escapes my lips and I shake my head slowly, "How can nurses keep up with slow people? If I was in your place, I'd probably yell at myself to hurry up."

"Because Luke... Doctors and nurses have patience. But when it's an emergency, we'll be there at the push of a button or a phone call." Jane smiles.

She guides me through the halls and tells me to bend my legs in-between walks to get the blood flowing.

I've gotten quite used to the walking now but I'm still slow.

When I had nothing better to do other than walking around and lying down in bed, I decided to visit Desi.

"Hey Jane. What room is Desi Bascomb in?" I asked.

"Hm..." She looks at her clipboard and flips through the papers, then lifts her finger in the air. "Ah! Room 317. Why?"

"I want to visit her."


The sound of beeps and air passing through tubes filled the room as I watched Desi lying peacefully in her bed. Her heart rate was slow, but steady.

A long blue tube was taped along the side of her lips leading into her mouth. Her lungs didn't have enough air to consume so she had to have an air vac.

Desi had a bandage wrapped around her head, a cast around her left arm and right leg and stitches on her right arm.

There's the emotional feeling of pain in my heart, seeing my best friend like this. It should've been me who had been put through all this injury. I'd do anything for Desi.

I placed my hand gently on Desi's hand and rubbed my thumbs against her pale skin.

Taking a deep breath in, I thought of some words to say, then exhaled.

"Desi... I know you can't hear me right now nor see me but I know that deep down inside of you, you can. I'm just letting you know that I'm right here, right beside you, and that everything's okay."

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