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His window slip open and Alex popped his head out, "If you break this window you're going to have to pay for it you know!"

I tossed a rock up in the air and caught it with one hand, "Whatever! Could you please come down?! I need your company for something!"

"No!" Alex stuck his tounge out at me.

"I will throw this rock at your head! Warning, I have very good coordination so you better watch out!"

"I want to see you try!"

I pulled my arm back and tossed the rock it the air, which hit the rim of his window pane. By the look of Alex's reaction, he had his arms guarding his head, but he quickly took it away. "Haha! You missed!"

"I did that on purpose because I know your head is broken from all your stupidity." I chuckled.

Alex pointed a finger at me and opened his mouth to speak but no words came out, "You know what."

He disappeared from his window and I dropped the rocks I had in my left hand and ran to hide behind a tree. Whenever one of us teases the other, we'd end up chasing each other right there on the spot.

The last time this happened, he teased me for having a 'blood stain' on the inner-upper thigh part of my white jeans when it was actually raspberry ice cream. I ended up chasing him around the ice cream shop and smashing my ice cream cone in his face and we got kicked out of there. Thanks to Alex.

Now here we are, making it Alex's turn to chase me.

"Desi," Alex sang, "Come out, come out, wherever you are."

I peeked around the corner of the wall and as soon as Alex saw me, he ran towards my direction. Dammit, why did I have to look then?

He popped up, our bodies nearly inches away, my heart pouding. Luckily, I ran away before he could catch me and tickle all my sensitive places.

I ran around the tree and into the front of his house, then stopped for a while to catch my breath. Before I knew it, Alex held onto me and tackled me down, tickling my sides.

"Alex!" I laughed, "We've been through this so many times before!"

He hovered over my body, his necklace dangling centimeters away from my chest, with me trying my best to pry his fingers away from my sides.

"I'm not going to stop until you say you're sorry!" Alex sang.

"I'm sorry!" I giggled.

He then stood up and I layed on the grass, breathlessly.

"Apology accepted. Now, where are you taking me?" He held out his hand for me to help me up and I take it in mine.

I brushed the grass off my pants and pushed my hair back. "You'll see. Come on!" I skipped ahead, happily.

Happy. That's what I felt. Thanks to Alex.

But I know that this feeling won't last until the party.


"Where's the damn cart, mate? Did you forget about it?" I asked Alex.

"What? Pft, no." Alex coughed. He looked around the commissary to find something and pointed. "There!"

I looked where he was pointing and it was a stray cart. I rolled my eyes and smiled. "Whatever."

He took the cart but an old woman came up to him and started slapping him with her bag, "Back off! This is my cart!"

Alex guarded himself with his arms and he stepped to the side. "I'm sorry lady! There! Have your cart!"

She gave one last glare at Alex and put her arms on the cart. "Hmph!" She grumped before walking away.

I stood there laughing like there was no tomorrow, "I can't believe that just happened!"

Alex rubbed his arms and frowned, "Hey! That actually hurt! A lot!"

"Hey! That's what you get for being stupid!" I mimicked his tone, laughing even harder.

Alex rolled his eyes and turned into the aisle, "So, what do we need for the party?"

I looked left and right and grabbed the best party snacks this store would sell, "Oh, you know... Party snacks."

"Who are we going to invite though?" He asked, grabbing a bag of Tostitos chips and salsa from from the shelf.

"Invite anyone you want. I barely know everyone who lives here." I shrugged, looking at the selection of sweets.

"Desi, you've lived here in Cheshire for seventeen years and you don't know everyone here?!"

"Well, I'm sorry for spending so much time with... Luke." I winced at his name.

We both turned into the next aisle and the first thing we saw, made our jaw drops. He shoved the snacks in my arms a quickly stepped in front of the various packages.

"Hey look! We should get these in case someone decides to do the dirty during the party." Alex winks, holding a box of large condoms.

I walked up to him and took the box in my hands, looking between him and the pack. "Alex?"


I threw the pack of condoms at him and bit my lip. "You're so stupid!"

"Hey! From my point of view, almost every party had a second floor and most of them were used for sex." Alex says.

I began walking down the aisle and trying to forget what has happened in the past couple minutes. "No one is going to have sex at this party."

I took a sharp right turn into the next aisle which was the refrigerators meaning that the drinks were here.

"Why not?!" Alex asks.

"Because I don't want to do it with anyone."

"You're such a party pooper."

I looked back and glared at him, "Excuse me?! I'd prefer to stay a virgin."

Alex pointed back. "Do you want me to get you pads? You seem like you're on your period."

"You're such an asshole!" I groaned, punching his shoulder.

"I was just kidding!" He laughed, ruffling my hair. "I have a brain."

"Sure you do." I chuckled.

"You know what? Let's just shut up and focus on what we need for this party." Alex says, grabbing bottles of pop and beer from the fridge.

I nodded my head, a feeling of relief rushing throughout my body. "Thank you."

"But I still think we need those condoms."






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