fourteen || epilogue

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- luke -

"Hey, Daddy? Where are you going?" My six year old son, Lance, asked me.

I bended down to be eye-level with him and place my hand on his shoulder. "I'm going out for a ride."

"But I'll miss you, Daddy." Lance pouts.

I pulled him in for a hug and rubbed his back, "I won't be long. Why won't you go and play with your toy rocket and I'll be back before you know it."

Lance's face brightened. "Okay Daddy!"

I stood up and ran my hands through my hair, walking towards the door.

"I'm going out for a drive, love!" I called to my wife.

"Okay! Be back soon! We're having steak for dinner!"

"Yeah!" I grabbed my keys and jumper and walked out the door.

The hot summer air blew around me as I took my first step out of the house today.

"I know what works on you."

"Wha- Luke!"

I picked her up by her waist and threw her over my shoulder, walking down her driveway towards the car.

"Put me down!" Desi yelled from behind me.


Once I reached the car, I opened the door to the passengers' side and place Desi on her seat then closed the door. She stuck her tongue out at me and I did the same with her.

I sighed and started the engine of my car and drove down the road, being careful not to look at my surrounding that would cause be to have a flashback.

Months after Desi died, Mrs. Bascomb and her son moved to Australia because their house held too many memories which would turn them into an emotional wreck. It's like she wants to forget about Desi, but I would never forget about her.

They were living in Melbourne because her Mrs. Bascomb's mum lives there and they didn't have to go through the process of finding a good house, seeing how much the rent or cost of the home is, and all that.

On the other hand, Alex and his family moved to New York because his Dad got a job promotion to work there.

Sometimes, silence is both a good and bad thing. The silence that is happening right now is good because it helps me think. But then it's also bad because it feels like it's getting louder and I'm losing focus on driving.

I turned the radio on and as soon as I figured out what song was playing, I quickly turned it off and shook my head slightly, blinking back the tears.

'No. No more flashbacks.' I thought to myself.

I took in a deep breath and focused my gaze on the road, decelerating once I reached my destination.

I parked my car by the curb and turned off the engine, setting my head in my hands.

If Mrs. Bascomb and her son were still here, I'd hear loud noises coming from the backyard because Drew and Amber would have one if their play dates at this time.

But now, it's completely silent. Only the sound of trees waving in the air and cars passing by the road is what I'm hearing.

I got out if the car and stood in front if the house. The house where I call my second home.

Once I walked in, it felt as if a ton of memories were floating throughout the house. Or maybe it's my mind.

The aroma was a scent of chocolate chip cookies. I guess Desi's mum baked them before they moved out and the smell lingered in the air considering the windows and doors were closed.

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