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"Desi! Come out of your room! It's dinner time!" Mum called.

I wiped the tears away with the sleeve of my jumper and looked up at the ceiling.

I cannot believe he did that to me. He found someone else.

During that one year - that one, simple year without me - he found her.

But why? Why was he with her? Did he forget about me? If he forgot about me, then why did he sent me small gifts? Oh! Maybe, his girlfriend forced him to do it just so I would think that none of us forgot about each other. But, I was wrong.

"Desi!" Mum shouted.

"I'm coming Mum!"

I got out of my bed and went down each step, slowly, trying to re-gain my balance. I fixed my hair up into a bun and slid onto the stool right next to Drew.

"So," Mum smiled, scooping up soon Mac & Cheese and putting it on my plate, "I hear that the superstars came home today. How were they? Especially Luke?"

"Who's Luke?" Drew asks while putting a forkful if the cheesy macaroni in his mouth.

"She's Desi's best-."

"He's not my friend anymore." I started before mum could explain to Drew who Luke was. "In fact, I don't even know who he is." I set my head in my hands.

Mum sets the plate down on the table and I feel a hand being place on my back. "What's wrong sweetie?"

"You looked so cute sleeping throughout the whole plane ride!" Luke laughed.

"I do not!" She whined, "I look absolutely horrible!"

"You're not horrible! You're cute!"

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say, Hemmings."

"I'm telling the truth, babe!"

"Aw, look at you! You're so cute when you whine!"

Luke laughed, "I do, don't I?"

"You're such a dork!" She giggled, standing on her tippy-toes and kissing Luke's cheek.

I felt my cheeks starting to get wet again. I'm crying. God, I'm sick of crying.

I excused myself from the dinner table and ran back up to my room, locking the door and crawling into bed.

As I laid down, I thought about all the things Luke and I did together, suddenly realizing that those moments aren't that special to me anymore.

My body tensed up and I felt like punching a brick wall; but I couldn't.

"I hate you so much, Luke." I muttered to myself, "I hate you so god damn much. After all these years, this is what you've done to me. Don't bother running bak to me because the answer is a simple, fucking, no."

I felt a slight vibration from under my pillow and quickly took my phone out. I glanced at the screen and confusion ran throughout my body. Calum was calling me.

Now why would Calum call me at this time?

I tapped the 'accept' button and put the phone up to my ear.


"You're fucked up, mate." I hear a muffled voice say.


"See? This is exactly why we warned you about hooking up with Britney!"

Britney? Is that the girl that Luke was with?

"What are you-."

That's when I realized that Calum butt dialed me.

Being the nosy girl I am, I listened closely to their conversation.

"I just... I just can't be alone. I need someone to stay by my side." A voice that I recognized as Luke says.

"You didn't need Britney! You've got us!" A high pitched voice, Ashton, says.

"We're always here for you mate," My lucky guess, Michael, speaks.

"But... Britney is more fun to play with."

As soon as I heard those words, it felt as if my heart fell out of my ass. The tension in my body grew again and I threw my phone across the room, making it hit the ground.

I know what I'm going to do know.


"A peach tree?" Alex asks. "This is where you took us?"

"Yeah." I nod.

Alex groans and kicks a rock.

"What's wrong?"

"It's just that, we walked for over an hour just to see a stupid tree?"

My words, his words.

"It's not stupid." I start, rewinding his own words in my mind, "Look closely at the bark."

I stepped towards the tree and looked at the bark. There were many carvings on the tree. Carvings of... Initials?

"A lot of couples come here and carve their initials in the tree to know that they're theirs forever and ever." Luke explains. Wow. So cliché.

"But what happens if they break up or something?" I ask.

"The girl or boy come back here and scratch out their initials. Like this one," Luke points at an initial that's scratched out. "This initial used to be AI and SH. I know it because I come here every often."

"Oh." I said plainly, feeling bad that it didn't work out for them.

"Hey Alex. Could you find me a rock please?" I asked him, while examining Luke and I's initials on the tree.


"Just find me a god damn rock!"

"Okay! Okay! Jeez." A little while later, he hands me a rock and I trace the initials with my finger.

"Well, Lucas, guess who didn't work out now?" I mutter to myself, then aggressively scratching out the initials.

"Desi, calm down." Alex says.

"Why would I calm down?!" I snap. "My best friend totally forgot about me and found someone else!"

I turned around and threw the rock past his shoulder and huffed. Alex looked to the side and his face immediately lit up.

"Hey! Let's go to that bridge over there!" He grabbed my hand and dragged me to this bridge he found.


Before I knew it, Alex and I stopped in the middle of the bridge in which I noticed that there was a river below us.

The river water was quite clean actually, and very blue. There were lots of fish swimming and a few lily pads then and there.

It was silent. A nice type of silent. Just the both of us, listening to the water flow.

"You really hate him, do you?" Alex asks, breaking the silence.

Do I?

"You know there's a saying." Alex turns to me.

"What is it?" I ask slowly.

"You may say, I hate you," He begins.

"Go on..."

"But you do not notice that in every I hate you, there is an, I love you."




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