Ch.2 Not Forgotten

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The next day after everyone woke up, ate breakfast, and came back from a mission, Rocky, Zuma, and Rubble finally decided to put their plan into action when everyone was relaxing in the Lookout's front yard.

Rocky: "Okay you two I was wondering if all of us would want to play together." He looked at Zuma giving him the sign.

Zuma: "Yeah that would be fun but what could we play, dude?" He said saying his lines.

Rubble: "How about... truth or date?"

Rocky fake coughs.

Rubble: "Er, I meant truth or dare."

Zuma: "Yeah, I'll play."

Rocky: "Me too."

Marshall: "Sure."

Everest: "I guess."

Chase: "Fine with me."

Skye: "Sounds fun!"

Rocky: "Cool. I'll get a bottle to spin."

While Rocky grabs a bottle from a recycling bin everybody gets in a circle. The order is the following: Chase, Everest, Marshall, Skye, Rubble, Zuma, and Rocky once he returns thus placing the bottle in the middle of the group.

Zuma: "So do you wemembew the plan, Wubble?" He whispers.

Rubble: "The one about how to make Ryder give us treats?" He whispers back.

Zuma: "No, not that one. The one about giving all dawes and twuths to make Chase and Skye explain themselves." He whispers.

Rubble: "Ohhh right, I knew that."

The Chocolate Labrador playfully rolls his eyes.

Rocky: "Okay, everyone! We're starting so I'll go first!"

Luckily, the first spin lands on Chase.

Rocky: "Alright, Chase. Truth or dare?"

Chase: "Dare."

Rocky: "Hmm, I dare you to sit next to Skye and no one can change it back." He says glaring at an annoyed Everest.

Chase: "Okay?"

Now the circle goes Everest, Chase, Skye, Marshall, Rubble, Zuma and Rocky.

Everest: "Since I'm next to Rocky I guess it's my turn now."

She spins and it lands on Zuma.

Everest: "Zuma, truth or dare?"

Zuma: "Twuth."

Everest: "Do you think me and Chase make the cutest couple?"

Not knowing what else to do, Chase just smiles awkwardly.

Zuma: "I don't actually. I always thought Chase and Skye would end up togethew."

Everest: "Hmph, well that's too bad."

She leans on Chase but he immediately removes himself.

Chase: "It's my turn."

Everest frowns as he spins and it lands on Rubble.

Chase: "Rubble, truth or dare?"

Rubble: "Truth."

Chase: "Did you always want to do construction?"

Rubble: "I actually did. But I didn't think it would be on the PAW Patrol! I'm just lucky it worked out that way."

Skye: "Yay! It's my turn!"

With excitement, Skye spins the bottle and it lands on Everest.

Skye: "Everest, truth or dare?"

Everest: "Truth. Who knows what you're going to make me do if I choose dare."

Skye: "Um... what do you fear the most?"

Everest: "Lightning storms."

Skye: "Good to know."

Marshall: "My turn!"

He spins and Rocky has been selected.

Marshall: "Rocky, truth or dare?"

Rocky: "Dare."

Marshall: "I dare you to go in a tub full of water for 10 minutes."

Rocky: "Seriously!?" He groans. "Whatever let's just get this over with."

The Mixed Breed is able to find an empty plastic container from his recyclable pile. Rocky sighs deeply as he stares into the tub filled with water.

- Time Skip -

Now, Rocky is back in the circle with a towel around his body and a frustrated expression on his face.

Rocky: "I'll get you back, Marshall. Just wait and see. I-" He sneezes.

Skye: "Bless you."

Behind her, Chase appears with a blue towel in one of his paws to which he extends it to the Cockapoo.

Chase: "Here, Skye. Can you hand this warm towel to Rocky for me?."

Skye: "Yeah, of course! Oh and good idea, Chase. I should go get some tissues then-"

Chase: "I can do that. Wait here."

And Skye doesn't move a muscle as she silently watches go then come back.

Rocky: "Thank you two!"

Marshall: "Never gets old!" He chuckles.

Rubble: "I'll just go ahead and spin."

He spins and this time the bottle chooses Skye.

Rubble: "Skye, truth or dare?"

Skye: "Truth."

Rubble: "Do you think Chase is handsome?"

Skye: "Um..."

Rubble: "Just tell the truth."

Skye: "Fine. Yes."

Marshall looks at Skye confused. Everest gives her a death stare.

Zuma: "Dudes it's my turn now!"

The bottle points to the German Shepherd.

Zuma: "Alwight, Chase, what will it be? Twuth ow dawe?"

Chase: "I'll go with dare."

Zuma: "I dawe you to pwivately watch a video that I choose."

Chase: "Okay?"

All the rest of the PAW Patrol sees is Chase and Zuma walk into a room only to come out a few minutes later. A light blush on Chase's face is the one clue. Zuma smirks at Rocky and Rubble.

Everest: "What? What kind of video was it?"

Chase: "Uh... I don't really want to talk about it."

Everest: "Why not? You can tell me."

Chase: "Maybe some another time."

He looks at everyone in the room except for Skye but when he accidentally glances at her his face glows red again.

Everest: "Just tell me!"

Skye: "Everest, if he says another time then he'll tell you another time."

Narrowing her eyes at Skye, Everest looks from Chase then back again at Skye.

Rocky: "It's working." He whispers to Zuma and Rubble.

Zuma: "Then let's keep doing it dude."

Rubble: "Agreed!"

They all eventually go back and form their circle again.

A/N: Okay everyone, now it's your turn! I'm going to ask only 5 people to give a dare/truth to bring Chase and Skye closer. First 5 people only! Don't forget to comment and thanks for reading! Byeeee! 😴💭✨

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