Ch.16 Why?

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New Day

~ Skye's Thoughts ~

I can still fix this. I need to fix this. But why can't he understand that I had good intentions? Good intentions have to count for something! Things can't actually be over between us, right? After everything we've gone through? He wants to give up on us now?! Over something Marshall tricked me into? Urgh, Marshall and Everest just made everything just more complicated than it needed to be! This is all just so frustrating. Maybe if I could just explain things better to him then maybe I can fix this. He needs to understand my side. I still don't want to lose him. I want him in my life, I really do. Life wouldn't be as exciting without him. So, I have to make this better. I want us to work... I just hope that he wants the same thing too.

~ End of Skye's Thoughts ~

~ Chase's Thoughts ~

I miss her... I miss almost everything about her but I can't change the past... I can't go back even if I wanted to there's just no way I could face her. I'm talking about the first girlfriend I ever had. Before the PAW patrol, before Ryder, and before Skye. But I don't want to beg and crawl back to anyone. And I wonder what if I had stayed on my Home Island?

~ End of Chase's Thoughts ~

Chase: "What if I go back to her? After all these years away from Trustem..."

The Shepherd suddenly hears a loud crash coming from outside.

Chase: "What the...?"

He swings open his bedroom door.

Chase: "Who's there?" He declares.

But to no one's surprise, it was a certain Cockapoo.

Chase: "Skye?"

Skye: "Chase, listen, I just want to talk."

Chase: "Well, I don't want to talk."

Skye: "Stop, you're not being fair with me here."

Chase: "You really want to talk about being fair?"

The Cockapoo takes in a calming breath.

Skye: "I didn't mean to lie to you. I-"

Chase: "That's a lie. That's-"

Skye: "It's not. Why do-"

 Chase: "Great. I caught you in another lie. What's next? I can't wait to find out." He sarcastically remarks.

Skye: "Are you going to let me talk? Because you're not letting me explain."

Chase: "Because I don't think any explanation you give will be good enough, Skye."

Skye: "It's not all my fault though! Marshall-"

Chase: "Please don't bring up Marshall right now. I can't-"

Skye: "What do you mean? He's involved in this too. A huge part."

Chase: "I know, I know that but-"

Skye: "I'm not giving up on us."

Chase: "Do you think I want to do this?!"

Unconsciously, he lunges forward with a paw on his chest. The Cockapoo stands her ground, firm.

Skye: "It sure looks that way. You were already thinking about another girl."

Chase: "What?" He questions.

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