"It's you.." 10

431 15 3

Hey! Sorry I haven't updated I hate writing on my phone but I am getting a new one tomorrow  so I will be able to update more. Enjoy!❤

Violets  p.o.v

Month time skip

I turned over and smacked my phone turing off my alarm that rang in my ear. I laid on my back and rubbed  my eyes not wanting  to go to school, but I knew I had to so I got up and got dressed...

 I laid on my back and rubbed  my eyes not wanting  to go to school, but I knew I had to so I got up and got dressed

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*time skip to school*

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*time skip to school*

I was talking to my best friend  Lilly when I felt arms wrap around my waste.

"Hey baby girl" Reagan said as he kissed my cheek

"Hey" I said  giggling

"Okay well I hate to break this love fest up but we have class to get to and since today is only a half day I would like to get it over with " Lilly said

"Okay okay" Reagan said laughing

"You two go ahead I have to get my notebook from my locker" I said as they said okay.

I opened my locker and began looking through it for the notebook, when a boy  opened the locker next to mine. I felt like I knew him from somewhere but I didn't know where, so I just kept staring.

"Take a picture why don't you it last longer " he said turning towards me

"Oh I'm sorry I just--" I said stopping in my tracks as it hit me where I knew him, "It's you"

"Well hello to you to princess" he said with a smirk

"Don't call me that" I said fercly

"Awe what's wrong baby girl?" He asked me like her was talking to a child

"Your the dude that harassed me at the party cause I wouldn't fuck you!" I said starting to get even more mad

"Oh please, your the last girl I would wanna fuck" he said snapping back

"Oh really cause you almost got into a fight with my boyfriend  cause you couldn't take not for an answer" I snapped

"Oh please he can have you why would I want this!" He said grabbing my arm and pulling up my sleeve to reveal the scars that I hadn't covered up today.

" Yea, I saw them at the party and thats when I relised why fight. You're  broken and damaged baby girl, and no one wants someone who is broken baggage." He paused and got close to my face "no one"

I snached  my arm away from his grip and pulled down my sleeve and he walked away smiling at me.

I felt... nothing. I felt like my body was drained of all emotion  and was just a walking sack of skin and bones still shocked about  what had just  happened as I walked to class.

Reagans  p.o.v

Lilly and I where standing outside the bathroom waiting for Violet to get out,

"Hey have you notice Violets been kinda out of it since she went to her locked this morning " Lilly said

"Yea she has been really weird, I think we should talk to her." I replied

"I can't today I have cheer practice  and if I miss it couch said I will get kicked off the team and if I get kicked off the-"

"Okay okay miss drama queen I get it. I will talk to her" I replied

"Thank you" Lilly replied as Violet walked out of the bathroom

"Okay I'm ready to go to class" she said

"Okay well I have to go, you and Reagan have fun in Biology" Lilly said

"Okay text me when you get out of cheer practice " Violet replied with no emotions 

I let Lilly walk away and then took Violet into a hallway, all the halls where empty since we where 10 minutes late already.

"Hey baby are you okay? You seem really off" I said looking at her

"I'm fine" she said looking at me with eyes where the light  that I had loved to look at had been drained from her hazal eyes

"No your not Violet what's wrong" I said in a more serious  tone

"Do you even want me Reagan" she said

"What?" I asked shocked

"Do. You. Even. Want. Me." She said

"What? Where is this even  coming from Violet, of course I want you, I need you" I said....then I saw him.

Jack, the guy would had harassed  her at the party was walking down the hall toward us.

"What did he say to you." I said getting angry

"Reagan dont" she said quietly 

"What did he say to you!" I said in a quiet yet loud voice

"Reagan please just let it go" she said putting one hand on my chest and the other on my side

"I'm sorry Violet but I can just let it go" I said stepping away from her and walking towards him

"Oh hey Raegan! Long time no see" he said with a stupid smile on his face

"What did you say to her!" I said angry

"What?" He said

"Did I stutter Jack? What did you say to my girlfriend! ?" I said even more upset

"Woah bro calm down...all I said was that I wasn't trying to go after her at the party because  she is broken and damaged and no one wants someone like that" he said

I didn't even reply  I just punch him  square in his face.

"Raegan!" I heard  Violet yell in shock

"Reagan Beast!" I heard another voice say

I turned at it was the principal, then I looked back at my fist and Jack who was laying on the ground holding his nose.

I felt a secerity gard grab my arm while the principal told me I was suspended for a week for starting a fight.

In all the ruckus of this I saw Violet walking right next to me trying to keep up with secerity as they threw me at but sent her to class...

Hey I hope you enjoyed! Pls vote and comment cause I love knowing that you guys are enjoying the story ❤

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