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AHHHH THIS IS THE END GUYS!!It has been such an honor to write for you guys and y'all are truly amazing. I love you guys and NEW BOOKS COME OUT TOMORROW!!!

Violets p.o.v

"Dont let me fall dad" I said as we started to walk down the white and lit up isle

Making eye contact with family members of mine and Raegan's smiling at eyeryone of them

Until we reach the bottom of the platform and I look at Raegan who smiled a big smile at me as he stepped down so my dad could hand me off to him

"I love you baby girl" he whispered as he hugged and kissed my cheek

He shook Raegan's hand then Raegan took mine and we walked back up the platform

"You look stunning" Raegan whispered as faced eachother at the top

"Please join hands" The priest started
"My dearly beloveds, we are gathered here today to join Violet and Raegan in holy Matrimony. Their time together has bloomed into a beautiful relationship with two beautiful. If anyone objects speak now or forever hold your peace" he said as waited a minute then continued "Perfect now, the i do's. Violet repeat after me, I Violet Skyes take you Raegan Beast"

"I Violet sky's take you Raegan Beast To be my husband, to have and to hold, for Better for worse, for richer,for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish from this day forward, till death do us part"

"Reagan no please repeat after me, I Reagan Beast..."

"I Raegan Beast, take you Violet Sky's to be my wife, to have and to hold, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health,to love and cherish from this day forward till death do us part"

"Now I believe you both have prepared some vows to read" the Priest said

"Lady's first" Raegan said nervously laughing

"Alright then, here we go" I said taking a deep breath "Raegan, if Someone had told me I would be standing in front of you about to be your wife I would all them crazy. I had seen you around but never pictured that knowing you would be so amazing and magical. You make me happy, you make me laugh and smile, you made me a better me that I would ever picture I would be able to have that part of me back. But you brought it back and I thank you for that. I thank you for being there for me and stay with me no matter how hard I tried and I thank you for that. I look forward to spending the rest of my life with you and to what ever adventures come next" I said wiping my teary eyes, I look and Reagan he was about to cry to

"Violet, I know I had told you this a lot but I love you, and I really mean it. I remember the day we went like it was yesterday. I tried to pull that slick James Bond trick with the introducting your self but the last name then the first and you did it back to me. I remember the minute we met that you could see right through me I mean hell, I would say you read right through me. You questioned my bad boy reputation and your were right. You made me want you more then anything in the world and made me fall for you the minute out eyes met. I mean I told you things I haven't told my best Friend of 6 years that I told you in the first hour of us being together. You saved me Violet, from the drugs and myself you saved me and brought me to a happy place that I thought I would never see again due to who I was pretending to be. Thank you for that and thank you for making me see that I am worth something and making me see that I have a place in this world and that place is right next to you through your bad and good days and stay by you no matter what. I love you Violet and I have never been more ready to spend the rest of my life with you" he said as I wiped my eyes again

"By the power vested in me by the State  Maryland, I now pronounce you husband...and wife" he said as everyone stood up and cheered "you may now kiss your bride"

Right as he say that Raegan took me and dipped me while kissing me

"Forever" he said pulling away


The End

Read right Through me -A Raegan Beast FanficWhere stories live. Discover now